Because without you, this collection of shared recipes, tips, and the occasional funny story of a kitchen disaster in the making would be nothing more than notes on a yellowing pad of paper, just waiting to be discovered...
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Welcome to Scratch Made Food! |
In life we all get hungry. Plus we are all busy, with jobs, families, friends, sports, and hopefully a bit of time off for fun and relaxation. With that in mind, we will be offering recipes to not only fit your busy schedule but keep you supplied with delicious food to enjoy. Recipes with easy-to-manage preparation time. Recipes with whole foods, made from scratch, that actually taste good. Recipes that can be shared for those times you have a helper in the kitchen. Recipes you will want to make again...
We are a Mother-Daughter team headquartered in the state ofMontana Wyoming, in the Big Horn Basin. We are a bread baking, jam making, garden growing, RV Traveling family. We menu plan for dinner time convenience, we have a root cellar for long-term storage, and we have hungry husbands to feed! Our family descriptions might not match, but we do have two areas where we do! Yes, we are also hungry, and busy. See we are definitely going to be friends! And you know what they say, friends don't let friends eat boring food...
For us all, our personal food philosophies are the driving force behind what we buy at the grocery store and what goes on our tables, at mealtime. You will never read about our way of doing things as being the only way, because hey, it's not! My way in the kitchen is for me, and your way is for you. Both are right! You may not want to bake your own bread, and that's OK. But if you do and have a question regarding bread baking, well bring it on and drop us an email! We prefer delicious, easy-to-prepare scratch-made food with little or no kitchen waste. You will be offered our best-tasting recipes, perfected for ease of preparation, to share on your table.
In our kitchen, we grind wheat into flour, baking and cooking with whole grains. We eat a variety of meat, fish, and dairy. And the truth is, we need to eat more vegetables than we actually do. We also get sick of cooking! And sometimes we eat out because cooking one more meal just might send us over the edge! See we really are alike...But usually, dinner is served, we dish up, talk to one another, solve the world's problems, then wash some dishes. It is a routine looked forward to, a quiet moment in a busy day of work, commuting, and life.
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We are a Mother-Daughter team headquartered in the state of
For us all, our personal food philosophies are the driving force behind what we buy at the grocery store and what goes on our tables, at mealtime. You will never read about our way of doing things as being the only way, because hey, it's not! My way in the kitchen is for me, and your way is for you. Both are right! You may not want to bake your own bread, and that's OK. But if you do and have a question regarding bread baking, well bring it on and drop us an email! We prefer delicious, easy-to-prepare scratch-made food with little or no kitchen waste. You will be offered our best-tasting recipes, perfected for ease of preparation, to share on your table.
In our kitchen, we grind wheat into flour, baking and cooking with whole grains. We eat a variety of meat, fish, and dairy. And the truth is, we need to eat more vegetables than we actually do. We also get sick of cooking! And sometimes we eat out because cooking one more meal just might send us over the edge! See we really are alike...But usually, dinner is served, we dish up, talk to one another, solve the world's problems, then wash some dishes. It is a routine looked forward to, a quiet moment in a busy day of work, commuting, and life.
Thanks for stopping by!
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Scratch Made Food! featured at Farm Fresh Tuesday Link-up! |
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