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Monday, June 17, 2024

Our Best Whole Wheat Self-Rising Flour Recipes!

In my never ending conversations about a well stocked pantry, I have to say, this is the only baking mix I ever keep on hand. And for a good reason. I live in a Tiny House, with a tiny pantry, in a tiny kitchen. 

Turns out, in this house only our appetites for variety and delicious food are big! But trust me, you won't be sorry to have only one canister of baking mix in your pantry, no matter how big it is! Come and take a look at all this variety...

It turns out, that...

As a whole wheat baker, I found there were between few and none, commercially prepared mixes to purchase. And being a scratch cook, I knew that there had to be a better way to manage time in the kitchen and still eat healthy. And specifically for my family, cooking and baking from scratch to avoid unnecessary processing, along with the freshness and stabilizing chemicals that go along with packaged food. Because, if I would not add those ingredient myself, I don't want them added for me...

So, a few years ago, I threw caution to the wind and decided to make my own Whole Wheat Self-Rising Flour and there has not been a day since, that I have regretted that decision! It is my go-to pantry mix and the only one I keep on hand. But there is a little bit of a back story to our whole wheat journey...

In all honesty when I made the decision to go whole wheat or bust!, we did not go 100% whole wheat, right away. Why? Well like every other family cook, I am not the only one at the table to consider. So I played the percentage game and it worked great! We started at 50% whole wheat flour for the first batch, and it was so well received, I went 100% for each batch going forward. That percentage game was included when I wrote the recipe for Whole Wheat Self-Rising Flour, because the truth is always best! 

Which brings us to...

Our Best Whole Wheat Self-Rising Flour Recipes will be updated each time a new recipe has been created, baked and approved by our family, Oh and passes the most important test of all, the taste test! This process only sounds difficult, in reality it is quite simple, after serving the new recipe in development, I turn to my family and ask, "is this blog worthy?" If I get a no, I keep developing...

I invite you to visit now, and again later as more recipes are added to visit and have them in one handy place for your own convenient use! I know, I turn to them when time is tight or I just want something simple and delicious to make! Plus they all taste great! 

Thank you for visiting and supporting Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household! We couldn't do it without you!
This post UPDATED: 06.17.224

Quick Breads, both sweet and savory.

If you are a sourdough baker, this is a great recipe for some of the discard from the sourdough jar!

A simple and basic banana bread!

Something a bit different to do with all those zucchinis!

So good this could be supper by itself!

This dual loaf will please the whole family!

Perfect with soup or stew anytime.

This should probably be in the dessert category, it is more cake than bread and it is delicious!

Bar Cookies

Vary the flavor, by the jam you use! 

Yes, only 3 ingredients!

A classic, and one the whole family will enjoy.

A tender and not too sweet cookie.

Cake, Pie, and all other Desserts.

A delicious twist on the traditional tea cake!

Everyone needs an easy Apple Cake!

Don't let cherry season pass by with out trying this yummy dessert!

Finally a warm cookie you can serve with whipped cream!

Snack cake recipes always come in handy!

A delicious recipe for 2 or double for more folks to enjoy.

Traditional Welsh Tea Cake.

Breakfast Ideas.

Baked pancakes are the way to go so everyone eats at the same time!

Bake this one in a 9X13 pan or muffin cups! Twelve healthy and delicious breakfast servings in each recipe. 

A delicious taste twist on our oven baked pancakes.

Lunch/Dinner Suggestions.

Turn leftover soup into a meal.

There is nothing better than chicken soup, unless it is this one with dumplings!

But we are not done yet, keep visiting for the new recipes being developed, enjoyed, and shared right here!




Thanks for stopping by!

We offer new and delicious recipes as well as DIY ideas for your home, regularly. Feel free to drop us an email request for any question or recipe you may be looking for. In addition, like all our guests, we invite you to come for a visit again and again for new recipes, and my down-home take on frugal ways to keep your home in tip top shape.

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PS, friends, and family who love good food and household ideas might love us too! Tell them about us, and thanks for the referral! 

You may also enjoy, Creative writing from the heart... stories of life, living, and family.

Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household proudly shares with these generous link parties featured here.  


Would you like to comment?

  1. All today's recipes look delicious! I think the Welsh tea bread looks extra yummy!

    1. Thank you, this will be an ongoing and updated collection as more recipes are developed.

  2. Melynda, these sound fantastic! Oh my I can't choose just one. Lol. Those breakfast recipes are my favorite.
    Thanks so much for sharing these recipes with Sweet Tea & Friends this month my friend.

    1. Paula, I can't thank you enough for your fun party Sweet Tea and Friends! Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.

  3. Melynda,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!! I hope you are having a good week!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  4. I always use whole wheat flour, it's much healthier. These are great recipes, I love the look of the beer bread, and the baked soup with biscuits. Thanks for linking Melynda!

    1. Gail, thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it! Glad to meet another whole wheat baker!

  5. Melynda, I love this collection of recipes you have put together. That banana snack cake really caught my attention! Thank you for sharing with us at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #43. ♡

    1. Stephanie, thanks you and thanks for hosting, I sure appreciate it.


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