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Welcome to our Homestead! Photo snippets of the land and life around us.

Thank you for stopping by, we appreciate it! There is much more to see and enjoy. We invite you to take a tour of the blog....and for any questions, simply drop us a line. While there is always something to share each day, possibly, not the time in which to do so. 

Our latest gardening project, open backed raised beds on this downward sloping spot. These beds are 35 feet long and will be used to plant melons. 03.24.2025

We have strawberries! 03.22.225

Springtime in Texas! 03.20.2025

Today a row of bird houses went into the garden. 03.18.2025

Our small SUV can haul a lot home. I love being able to barter with friends and neighbors. 03.17.2025

We now have an easier way to sift the compost! A cradle to hold the sifting screen, no more achy back! 03.14.2025

Tomato starts for the garden! 03.12.2025

I repotted the strawberries from last year, into pots. All in all, I was surprised we had so many, in the bed it looked like three large plants. We just might get a small harvest after all! 03.10.225

With the skirting completed, it was time to add a flowerpot in this corner! 03.09.2025

With warmer days on the way, it was time to offer a new watering hole for the flock! 03.08.2025

Blooming blueberries! 03.07.2025

My hubby has been working on this project for about four days, that portion of our 5thwheel without a deck, was sided with recycled bleacher seats that were being replaced here in our community. The wind will no longer whip under the trailer driving in cold and wet. 03.04.2025

The side yard on the right side of the drive way (coming into the property) is a small triangle of land. With too many trees to let in enough light to plant a flowering tree such as a Dog Wood Tree. So we did the next best thing, we build a small bird habitat and this little "park-ette". Everything was recycled materials except for the Marigolds and the Dusty Miller in the pots. 03.01.2025

My husband out by the tractor with his cell watching and listening to YT videos regarding basic maintenance on our tractor, While tractor ownership is new, do it yourself maintenance is not! 02.27.2025

All nine of our hens gave an egg today, first time for an egg homerun! 02.25.2025

Today my husband began building a wind barrier around the outside of the Caravan. This project is using old bleacher seating boards we got from local friends replacing some of the boards that had seen better days! 02.24.2025 

Building a whole wheat sourdough starter, bubbly action began on day four! 02.23.2025

I have a p/t job twice a week that I share with my daughter. The money is going to go for all the little things that will bring joy! Like this Bird House with a Camera. Let the springtime nesting begin! 02.22.225

Home gown eggs from our hens! We have 3 kinds of hens, and three colors of eggs to enjoy. 02.21.2025

With a cold of only 23 degrees tonight, all our seed starter boxes, deck plants and two pineapple we hope to root and plant, are in the shop! Tonight we add a small heater...02.19.2025

Our for a walk with the grandson along our country road. The house on the corner by the bend is being remodeled. These 2 portable stairways were up for grabs. Back to bake they make the perfect flower growing area in our vegetable garden! 02.18.2025 

With the chill in the air, I have been recipe developing! Tried my hand at Whole Wheat Sourdough Bagels...02.16.2025

And today as we rewrap the outside water pipes preparing for another freeze headed our way, I can't help but notice the new growth on the rose bushes. 02.15.225

It's only 38 degrees this morning, but this pot of tulips has one flower bud! 02.14.2025

With so much rain these last few days, the garden must wait. In my wait time I have been working on a 100% Whole Wheat Sourdough loaf, 02.12.2025

Getting the beds ready to plant, is a lot of weeding, but manageable when you complete it one bed at a time. 02.08.2025

I needed a gate hinge immediately, this heavy duty black rubber bungie did the trick! 02.06.2025

The leaves have finally fallen here in Texas, and these thin branches are covered in leaf buds! Hoping to get more blueberries than the birds this year! 02.05.2025

Our little chicks have just about completed their growth to be come layer hens! Can you tell which egg? 02.04.2025

Yesterday it was the roses, today it was tulips! These three blue bins, turned planter boxes sit in front of the deck, with solar lights in between. 02.03.2025

Whew, we finally let go of the cold, today it was 77 degrees outside! The roses got weeded, and then top dressed and fertilized. Plus the two we lost earlier in the year, were replaced. I can't wait to have roses on the table once again! 02.02.2025

With the snow melted it was time to add 2 more hooks for more bird feeders. More birds now, hopefully means more birds in the yard come our buggy season in spring and summer. 01.25.2025

We got snow last night, needless to say every bird is hungry! These cardinals are waiting their turn to eat. 01.21.2025

My SIL covered this pineapple bed with plastic to keep it from freezing! This bed had the largest and most mature plants. The second bed, is a probable loss. As cold as it is, this weather front is due to get colder! 01.20.2025

When the Mayor of your tiny town warns you to be prepared for the cold front on it's way, it is time for vegetable soup and Cole Slaw to be made ahead. 01.17.2025

Our weather is still so cold! To cold for our free range chickens to find much of anything when foraging. On days like this, I cook them porridge and stir in a few dried worms for protein. 01.16.2025

Our weather has warmed to the point that it is NOT below freezing each evening, but outside work was set aside today to upgrade the light fixtures in our little dining area. 01.13.2025

Gardening is still on my mind, even in below freezing weather, today was a good day to organize what we have and make a list of what we need. 01.11.2025

After 4 days of below freezing nights it was time to check the damage to the garden. Beets and Swiss Chard, OK. Bell Peppers and Green Beans, gone. 01.10.2025

Adding a bit of joy, these roses would have frozen and not bloomed, if left on the bush. 01.06.2025

Outside this morning preparing for the freeze that is headed our way in two days, I thought it quite beautiful that this strawberry plant had decided to bloom...01.04.2025

No wind, no rain, that makes it burn day! Once burned we will use the ash in the hen's dust bath and the bio char in the garden beds. 01.03.2025

Happy New Year from our home to yours! Thank you for your visits here, they are truly appreciated! Melynda @scratchmadefood! 01.01.2025

Yikes, these Devil's Claw Fungus are back after one week...time to get out the vinegar spray! 12.30.2024

As festive as Christmas decorations are, I always enjoy the fresh look of our home, when they are put away after the celebration. 12.29.224

Every rainstorm bring a few surprises. 12.28.2024

Our December garden, bell peppers, garlic, and turnips (for the greens). 12.27.2024

Yikes, with a flat tire, and nothing gets done! Off for repair. 12.26.2024


Sometimes coming home from dinner with the kids, found us waking to the door in the dark. LED lights are such an easy fix! 12.24.2024 

The roses were trimmed back two weeks ago, and today more roses to cut and bring in for the table! 12.23.2024

In the ongoing work to change a goat shelter into a secure chicken coop, my SIL put in an "in and out" tunnel. And now a gate to close them in, during the night. 12.22.2024

Too much rain when we were away, took it's toll on this outdoor Pothos. It may need a severe cut back to pull through! 12.21.224 

Back home after spending 5 days cruising in the sunshine! 12.19.2024

Our humidity level drops drastically in the winter, leaves usually dry on the tree, before falling off. 12.13.2024

We have planted pineapple crowns to get pineapple plants and in time pineapples! I hope they survive the cold snap we are having right not! 12.11.224

A little "rough and ready" but I love having this little workbench in the corner of the garden. 12.10.2024

The bridge across the seasonal creek, I think I need to take a rake and clean it up a bit! 12.09.2024

Fortunately the garlic I planted early autumn is surviving the cold snap we are currently under. 12.08.2024

My reference library that I keep in the canning kitchen. And some toys for our grandson to play with! 12.07.2024

After several year's of service, it was time to retire this American flag. 12.06.2024

Meanwhile down at the kid's house, the Inflatables party starts at 5pm! 12.05.2024

With regular pruning roses bloom the year round here in East Texas. I love roses on our dining table! 12.04.2024

The frozen cucumber vines yielded enough cucumbers to make a jar of refrigerator sweet pickles, and a creamy cucumber salad. 12.03.2024

Our second planting of cucumbers succumbed to the 31 degree night, in the cold snap. 12.02.2024

In this cold snap we are having, it seemed only natural to begin decorating for Christmas! 12.01.2024

We have kept open and wild spaces for the birds, insects and small critters. There are filled with natural vegetation, seeds and pollens. 11.30.2024

We made Jingle Bell Waking Sticks 11.29.2024

Our two families coming together to give thanks. 11.28.2024

Cardinals one of our daily visitors. 11.26.2024

Our cold snap must have confuses this blueberry bush, into thinking it was springtime. Notice the small blossoms on the lower branches. 11.25.2024

These late harvest peppers will be roasted and stored in the freezer for a burst of flavor, as needed. 11.24.2024

After several attempts to plant wildflowers to attract not only more birds, but needed pollinators to the garden, we built these seed protector boxes. They are deep enough that a bird cannot pick up the seeds through the mesh. Once the plant has taken hold, we will remove the box. 11.23.2024

We will be enjoying our own sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving! This garden bed is ready to harvest. 11.22.2024

Today was bread baking day! This has been our daily bread for seven years, Whole Wheat Oat Honey Bread. 11.21.2024

Leaves have been sifting to the ground for a couple of weeks now, I so enjoy this time of year! 11.20.2024

Today was rose pruning day. Anything blooming or ready to bloom came in to be enjoyed on the dining table. 11.19.2024

They always come and greet me, hoping for treats as I come to collect the eggs. 11.18.2024

Food prep always makes for a lot of dishwashing! This was my third time at the sink, for the day. 11.17.2024

There is a new condo development being built in our neighborhood, it looks like there is still room for a few more units! 11.16.2024

A change in the holiday, means a change in what goes on the table. Until further notice, celebrate everything! 11.15.2024

One of the out buildings on our property. I am sure it has a story to tell, with no storyteller. 11.14.2024

It is so nice to walk out to the garden and cut fresh Swiss Chard for dinner! 11.13.2024

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