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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Encouraging Hearts and Home 05.28.2020

DIY Produce Sprays and Washes, a memory quilt made from favorite tee shirts, Slow Cooker Smoked Brisket Chili, and How to Prepare Tomatoes for Canning are this week's featured posts!

Hello and Welcome!

Last week I shared with you our culvert pipe replacement, so very glad that big job been completed! This past weekend we (and by "we" I mean the "royal we" where it is the menfolk who do most of the physical work, thanks and a shout out to them!) got the first section of the upper storage loft completed in the shop building. 

Now there will be shop floor space to start setting up a workshop and not simply a place for storage. The long term storage items (holiday decore etc, camping gear, and other stuff that we are not yet certain we will need, so we are hesitant to part with it!) will occupy the first 20X12 foot section. The remaining loft (built-in two sections) will be used as a hobby workshop/craft room with the downstairs shop dedicated to woodworking and forging metal works, all a part of the five-year plan.  

Encouraging Hearts and Home Blog Hop and Link-up!
Loft from frame to floor!

Making a comfortable home is important to us all. It doesn't matter if we live in a big city or out in the country. Whether we have the latest appliances or live off-grid, home is where we are comfortable. Home is where we spend time with family and friends and home is also where we rest and recoup our strength. So tell me, what is happening at your place? 

And now, for This Week's Encouraging Hearts & Home Blog Hop!

Join your Encouraging Hearts & Home Co-Hosts each week for encouragement and support for your heart & your home. We hope to provide a space that builds each other up and lends a helping hand along the way. With all the negativity in the world, let's shine a positive light!

Encouraging Hearts and Home at Scratch Made Food!
And me, Scratch Made Food!

The post with the most views from last week:

A few of my favorites from last week are:   

Please take a moment to stop and say hello! 

How to prepare tomatoes for canning. 

Use the form below to share your family-friendly posts this week, and please consider these nice things you can do:

  • Follow and/or subscribe to your host's blog.
  • Visit a few other bloggers and show them your support. We all love getting comments, and who knows what inspiration you may find? Be sure to share the love--that's what a blog hop is all about!
  • Check out our Encouraging Hearts & Home Pinterest board where each host pins her 10 favorite posts each week.
  • Join us every Thursday!
  • If you are interested in co-hosting, contact Linda at Apron Strings & Other Things!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter

Would you like to comment?

  1. Thank you for hosting AND for the feature of my tomato prep article! Have a wonderful week!!

    1. You are welcome, thanks for joining us here at Encouraging Hearts and Home!

  2. Thank you so much for featuring my quilt! That is awesome! And thanks for the party too!

    1. You are welcome, thanks for joining us here at Encouraging Hearts and Home!


Comments always appreciated, at Scratch Made Food! Please be aware comments with sales links will be deleted. Thank you for stopping by!