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Thursday, November 26, 2020

Funtastic Friday #308

25 Homemade Gifts, a DIY Wall Mount Gift Wrap Organizer, Christmas Gift Bag Wall Art, Fall Dried Fruit Potpurri, An Acorn Tablescape, and a DIY Dollar Tree Candle Stand (made from skewers!) are this week's featured posts! 

Hello and Welcome!

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Encouraging Hearts and Home 11.26.2020

How to Make a Clothespin Bag, 12 Books on Yoga that will Inspire, Sausage and Root Vegetables Sheet Pan Dinner are this week's featured posts. 

Hello and Welcome!

Happy Thanksgiving from Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household.

From our family to yours, we wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving Day!  Thank you for your visits here at Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household, we appreciate it more thank you know!  
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Funtastic Friday #307

Chocolate Rolled Oat Cookies, a Vintage Turkey Collection, a Christmas Garland from a repurposed sweater, Mini Burlap Trees, a Paint by Number Craft, and a Pie Take-Home Container with Tag are this week's featured posts!

Welcome to this week's Funtastic Friday link-up! 

Thank you for joining us, and sharing your wonderful ideas!

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Encouraging Hearts and Home 11.19.2020

Amazing Cranberry Apple Pie, Honey Whipped Cream, Gingerbread Pear Muffins, and Keto Chicken Broccoli Casserole are this week's featured posts. 

Hello and Welcome!

While I am feeling better (about 50%) this cold is still in charge...I have managed to get a few of the highlighted recipes from the last two weeks, up and running, with posting dates scheduled. With a couple of the recipes still waiting to be written up. Since I am running behind in recipe writing, I thought I would share a bit about this fun topic.

Are you a Yellowstone fan? Where we live in Montana, the Yellowstone television series is filmed in and around the valley. My husband and I want to (someday) watch it, hoping we can identify all the different places used in the filming process. Currently, we do not subscribe to Paramount Network. But I did get to be involved with Yellowstone at my seasonal job...

My employer ABC Acres partnered with Yellowstone Productions to make RIP'S Huckleberry Heat. And I got to be part of the cooking process! You can see the ABC Acres Facebook post here. But I thought I would share some of the photos also...those peppers are beautiful and hot! And yes, the huckleberries do grow wild around here. 

I have enjoyed my time at ABC Acres, learning a lot along the way. Proof that no matter how long you have been cooking, there is always something new to learn!
My brush with Yellowstone fame! I made RIP'S Huckleberry Heat!
In the kitchen at ABC Acres, busy making RIP'S Huckleberry Heat, hot sauce!

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Funtastic Friday #306

Repurposed Alarm Clock (so cute!), What's your favorite Halloween candy?, Wood Burned Chargers,  How to make Tartan Trees, and DIY Leather Ornaments are this week's featured posts! 

Hello and Welcome!

  It's time for Funtastic Friday 
Link Party#306

But first, let's welcome Melynda from 
as a new co-host.

Show her some love by following her at the links below.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Encouraging Hearts and Home 11.12.2020

Three Ingredient Nutella BrowniesClassic Pumpkin Bread, Easy Tabletop Turkeys, and Preparing and Using Chicken Feet are this week's featured posts!

Hello and Welcome!

Yesterday I had no choice but to realize that while I thought I was getting away with avoiding the cold that has been sweeping our shared home, I did not. You know you have lost when that familiar scratchy spot begins growing at the upper part of your throat. 

Later when I did a check-in with friends, they too were getting a I called into work and for a couple of days it will be rest, tea, and healing for me. Of course, with all that there is to do, I would like instant healing, but alas I will have to be satisfied with the regular old fashioned kind, done in due course...

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Encouraging Hearts and Home 11.05.2020

A day in the Life of Virtual Learning, Paper Christmas Trees, Ultimate Slow Cooker Mashed Potatoes and Easy Quote Art using Maps are this weeks featured posts!

Hello and Welcome!

With work slowing down a bit, it is time to think about cooking more for my own family! I am excited to get back to it and here is a sample of the recipes that we will be enjoying again and of course shared, right here for others to enjoy! We have enjoyed these dishes multiple times through the years and while I love finding new dishes to try, we enjoy old favorites like these time and time again...

Black Bean and Sweet Potato Chili with Charred Beef, new recipe coming soon!

Black Bean and Sweet Potato Chili with Charred Beef. I do not make chili often, but this one is delicious and that touch of sweet potatoes is perfect!