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Friday, September 30, 2022

Arizona here we come!

Hello and welcome to the "we are hitting the road" issue of Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household. Today we left for Arizona. Some time ago we scheduled volunteering opportunities (and obligations) at a National Park right outside of Phoenix Arizona. This winter trip comes after months of preparation and planning. And I am not just talking about stocking our little trailer with provisions! 

It comes after making the decision to leave Montana for an even smaller town and neighborhood community. And once our property sold, traveling for days to get to our new home state. With a little detour along the way for a blown head gasket in our trusty 26-year-old truck! It comes with making our new home "winter ready" with a few projects after it had sat empty for quite some time. And best of all, it comes with being able to travel with our kids and our grandson!

Fort Vancouver National Historic Preserve, Vancouver WA. Our first volunteer assignment (summer through fall) for 2018.

We have been enjoying our volunteer assignments at National Parks and National Forests for a few years now. And of course, the warmer winter weather certainly does not hurt! When traveling our meals don't really change much, they are only influenced by the fresh produce available where ever we call home for a while. And that has actually become a little side benefit to traveling, the challenge of creating meals from what is available in our new location.

Organ Pipe Cactus Nation Monument, south of Ajo AZ. Winter of 2018 through the snow thawing on the passes 2019.

For this trip, I have the luxury of taking more staples, supplies, and kitchen equipment with us. Because the other task completed was a bit of an overhaul of our little 5thwheel. We turned the bedroom into a sitting room for TV, reading, and crafting. During travel, the furniture can be stacked leaving lots of space to pack just about everything else we need.  In place of the uncomfortable jackknife sofa, we have a flip couch that also makes, into a bed.  It may not sound conventional, but I hope to share a few photos on our Facebook page RVKitchen and Travel Adventures! We like so many other RV travelers are always searching for new ideas to organize our little house on wheels. 

Three Frogs Campground, at Lake Como National Forest, Darby MT. Summer of 2020.

While it had been quite a list of plans, now that they are completed in full, we are traveling caravan style, south! I will be cooking each day with my daughter, and I hope to share lots of great new recipes, subject to the internet that is! I will have my laptop with me and a "hot spot" for the internet, so we shall see how all this goes! 

So thank you for your visits to Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household I sure appreciate it! It is the visits from folks just like you that make a blog successful in as much as the content. There are lots of really good recipes in the archives and I have pre-scheduled Throwback Thursday posts through April 2023. They are all my favorites and I think you will love them too. Eating well doesn't have to be fancy, it only has to be prepared with care and served with pride because a great meal is who is around the table, and for some reason, it always tastes good!

And should you find yourself on the road to see family and friends or even a new adventure, safe travels to you!



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We offer new and delicious recipes as well as DIY ideas for your home, regularly. Feel free to drop us an email request for any question or recipe you may be looking for. In addition, like all our guests, we invite you to come for a visit again and again for new recipes, and my down-home take on frugal ways to keep your home in tip top shape.

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PS, friends, and family who love good food and household ideas might love us too! Tell them about us, and thanks for the referral! 

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Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household proudly shares with these generous link parties featured here.  

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  1. It's Judee from Gluten Free A-Z Blog- Good luck to you and thanks for sharing about your adventurous lifestyle. It's very interesting. I do enjoy your recipes and your blog. Safe Travels.


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