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Sunday, October 13, 2024

Keeping the bugs away, for Homestead Sunday #2

Welcome to Homestead Sunday, where we share what we have learned, what we do on a regular basis, and what projects we are building, rebuilding or working on. Who are we? We are a three generation family living on six acres in South Eastern Texas. 

And while we have only been in Texas a short time, we have had the homestead mentality and lifestyle for quite a few years. Starting out with our time living in Montana. And, although we are not experts in any way, I hope that what we share with you with this series is helpful, as well as inspirational for you and your own homestead journey. 

Biting bugs have always found me, landed on me, and taken a bite!  

It has been that way everywhere I have ever lived! But I do have to say here in Texas, it is true that everything is bigger, including the biting bugs. There are several types of mosquitos, and gnats so small you don't really see them, but you sure feel them when they bite! I have been told by many, that this year was bad for the gnats. Don't misunderstand not bad for them in that they have had trouble surviving, no it was bad for us, there were so many, and apparently hungry!

In Texas it is not uncommon to end a conversation with the phrase, 

"I'm about to get eat up!" and everyone goes their own way, home. And while that is great for an informal gathering, what about working outside? Such as, in the garden, planting, weeding, and harvesting? Or while waiting to hand tools up to your husband while he is up on a ladder, or steadying that same ladder as he comes down? Also when working with the chickens? You know, all the outdoorsy things that must get done?....I knew I had to try to save myself, from all those itchy bug bites.  

So I tried a couple of homemade remedies. 

Because that is where I like to begin. And while the spray was almost completely useless, using drops of Geranium Essential Oil did help. A little bit. But honestly not enough. I was still getting eaten up everyday! And as luck would have it, one day while taking a break I scrolled through some videos and watched one that was about using Absorbine Jr as bug repellant! Being familiar with this product, I thought well why not. It sure couldn't hurt to try it out. So I did! And I have to say this works very well for me! And I hope it will for you too.   

Since I do not wear a cowboy hat, I need a substitute piece of headgear. 

The rancher simply put dots of Absorbine Jr on the brim of his hat. Said it worked great! My next task was to make a simple head band that would be easy to wear and use. One to slip around my hair, which I usually put up, to keep it out of the way. Nothing fancy, something easy to make, easy to wash and made from easy to find materials. This is about a 10 minute project, only requiring a few stitches...

Materials needed for this project:
  • 2 white cotton handkerchiefs
  • cotton thread
  • sewing needle
Now we can get started!

Gather the needed materials: 2 handkerchiefs, some thread and a needle. 

Open one of the handkerchiefs, and lay flat. 

Fold in one side in, by 1/3. 

Fold the other side in. Repeat with the second handkerchief. 

Fold each handkerchief into thirds, once again to form a narrow band. 

Stitch the open side closed. Nothing fancy is required, a simple basting/running stitch will do. This helps keep the headband, a headband when in the washer. 

Take the ends of each handkerchief and tie a knot. This will be a fixed knot. 

Stitch the first flap down. 

Bring the second flap from the bottom, up and around, stitch into place. 

Place around your head and tie a second knot. 

The knot in the back will be the adjustable knot. You will be able to untie this knot when you toss your headband into the washer. I have made three of these so I always have one ready to use. I can usually use them for a couple of days before I need to toss it into the laundry basket. 

How to use Absorine Jr for bug control:

Get the bottle with a sponge applicator.  (there are NO affiliate links in this post)

3 dots on the headband.

3 dots on each shirt cuff. 

And 3 dots on each pants leg. 

Dressed and ready! 

While this does not prevent 100% of the bugs from biting, it sure keeps the vast majority away. It is the smell of the menthol in this liquid. Which is the active ingredient to sooth sore muscles. It turns out, bugs do not like the smell of mint or menthol. I hope this works for you as well as it has worked for me. 






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You may also enjoy, Creative writing from the heart... stories of life, living, and family.

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  1. Oh I am definitely going to have to try this; biting bugs find me year round regardless of what I seem to do!

    1. Joanne, I have tried a lot of different things since moving here, but this does help, fortunately. I hope it offers you a break from bites, also! Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.


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