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Thursday, March 7, 2024

Of Artichokes With a Savory Sauce.

One of the easiest ways to make any meal memorable is to offer a starter course.  It is a special way to begin any meal. Nothing that takes all day, or is complicated. Something light, enjoyable, and delicious! This brings us to Of Artichokes with a Savory of our favorite starters!

Years ago in our garden in Vancouver, there were two artichoke plants. 

They were rescue plants, found on the clearance table at the local drug store on a late summer's day. They were withered, and without any identification tags. Plus they were cheap! However, I knew enough to know they were artichokes and that I would love having artichokes in the yard or garden, so into the cart they went. As they grow they are as beautiful ornamentally as they are delicious to prepare and enjoy culinarily.

Unknown to me at the time, they were a different variety, from the other. 

One of the plants was a globe variety and the other is what I shall refer to as the standard variety, taller, and with a taper at the top. Personally, I have always loved artichokes. Now to be honest during childhood my favorite part was simply dipping into and enjoying the creamy mayonnaise that my mom put on the side of my plate. And while I never felt she put enough there...often I was corrected when told, that I had had enough mayonnaise for two artichokes!

As a child my favorite Spring break from school was on the dairy farm!

I will never forget the year I got to spend Easter Vacation with my God Parents on their dairy farm. Each morning my Godmother and I would go and pick the artichokes and gather eggs at her parent's house while they were traveling and not at home. I loved throwing cracked corn to the hens and having artichokes for dinner later that day! As a kid farm life to me seemed perfect. And I knew there would be mayonnaise for those chokes we had just picked!  

The other thing I enjoyed was the process of eating the artichoke. 

Leaf by leaf with a little nibble of the heart of the artichoke that would be waiting for you, when got all the way through to the thistle, and the real work began! I thought it was fun to pull off a leaf, scrape it across the mound of mayonnaise on the edge of my plate and then carefully pull the tip, soft side down, across the top edge of my bottom teeth. You also had to gently close your top teeth so there was a bit of pressure upon the leaf to scrape it clean, leaving precious little behind!

That little bit of the artichoke heart at the edge of the leaf is really just a tease! 

And speaking for myself that little bite of the artichoke heart on the tip of the leaves will keep me working on that artichoke until I reach the heart. I have however made a small change in my artichoke eating style as an adult. I do not dip each leaf tip in mayo, because I do end up eating more than my share of mayonnaise. Now I simply savor the tiny tastes along the way, in their natural state of pure artichoke bliss. And while I will always love mayo, I now have this savory sauce to spoon over the heart, once we have completed all the work required to get there! And yes, it is so good!

Oh, and the best way to cook an artichoke? 

In the Instant Pot, of course! Simply add 1 cup of water to your cooking vessel, add the artichokes and cook for 10 minutes, once full pressure has been reached. Let rest for 10 more minutes under pressure, then manually release and you have cooked artichokes. You can fill the pot with artichokes, and even if it seems crowded they won't complain... 

Serve warm or chilled as per your own preference. 

But do remember, a chilled artichoke makes a wonderful starter to any meal with friends and family. 

Some thoughts on this recipe:

Use any mustard you enjoy, even yellow ballpark style will make a lovely sauce.

You may cook the artichokes ahead and serve chilled or allow them to cool slightly after releasing the pressure and serve warm. 

For extra-large artichokes cut in half lengthwise, to serve. 

Leftover Lemon and Chive Dipping Sauce is a great sandwich spread!

Ingredients needed for this recipe:
  • mayonnaise 
  • lemon juice
  • mustard
  • sugar
  • snipped chives
  • additional chive leaves for garnish
You will also need the following:
  • small mixing bowl
  • measuring cups
  • measuring spoons
  • whisk
  • small serving dish
  • kitchen knife 
  • cutting board
Now we are ready to begin!

Lemon and Chive Dipping Sauce, Of Artichokes with a Savory Sauce
by the seat of my pants
makes a generous 1/2 cup
UPDATED: 03.08.2024

1/2 c mayonnaise
2 t mustard 
1 T lemon juice
1 1/2 t sugar
1 scant T finely snipped chives

Snip the chives into tiny slices, and set them aside. 

Combine the mayonnaise, mustard, lemon juice, and sugar until smooth. 

Stir in the snipped chives. Spoon into the serving dish and decorate with some knotted chives. Serve. 

Storage options for Lemon and Chive Dipping Sauce. Store covered in the refrigerator for up to three days. Do not freeze. 

UPDATE:  For your convenience, a "copy and paste" version of Lemon and Chive Dipping Sauce has been included below. 



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You may also enjoy, Creative writing from the heart... stories of life, living, and family.

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Printable "copy and paste" version:
Lemon and Chive Dipping Sauce, Of Artichokes with a Savory Sauce
by the seat of my pants
makes a generous 1/2 cup
UPDATED: 03.08.2024

1/2 c mayonnaise
2 t mustard 
1 T lemon juice
1 1/2 t sugar
1 scant T finely snipped chives

Snip the chives into tiny slices, and set them aside. 

Combine the mayonnaise, mustard, lemon juice, and sugar until smooth. 

Stir in the snipped chives. Spoon into the serving dish and decorate with some knotted chives. Serve. 

Storage options for Lemon and Chive Dipping Sauce. Store covered in the refrigerator for up to three days. Do not freeze. 


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  1. Looks good! Thanks so much for linking up at the 25 and Done Link Party 17! 25 entries in 25 hours!! Shared on Fb, Pn, and Tw.

  2. I love artichokes. Right up my alley. Pinning.

  3. This looks like a nice break from our usual garlic butter.

  4. As soon as saw the word artichokes I knew I'd like your post. I get them on pizza and have enjoyed them in a spinach pasta dish. Oh, they are so good on pressed sandwiches too. Love your recipe.

    1. I am with you, I love them just about any way they are fixed!

  5. We love artichokes and I do cook them in the Instant Pot. I like the idea of a sauce for dipping them. Thanks

  6. I've seen some amazing fresh artichokes here in Paris that would be wonderful in this.

  7. I love artichokes - in anything!! Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party. Hope your week is amazing.

  8. Visiting again to say thanks so much for linking up at A Themed Linkup 104 for Healthy Recipes. Pinned.

  9. This looks so delicious! I’d love to give it a try. You’ve got my mind going now.

    Thanks for sharing this at the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop 15!

    Ridge Haven Homestead

    1. Artichokes are almost like a craft project taking a bit of time and skill to eat, but gosh I love them!

  10. I love a story behind a meal idea, now I will look at artichokes a different way and maybe introduce them into my menu too. xoxo Julie Syl

  11. Woo Hoo! I've got everything on hand to make this dip. Pinned 📌.
    Visiting from SSPS 269 #120&121

    1. I hope you enjoy this quiet starter. I call it quiet because you cannot eat something this time consuming in any fast way!

  12. That lemon chive sauce sounds wonderful! I can think of all sorts of tasty ways to use it - sandwiches, burgers, wraps, pasta salad...

  13. I love artichokes but have never tried cooking my own!

    1. Joanne, I use to cut the tips off with scissors when I was a kid and mom would boil them for what seemed like forever! So I really love the instant Pot for quick and easy cooking!

  14. HI Melynda! I don't think I have ever had artichokes and I'm 67 this year! Thanks for sharing the recipe and co-hosting #weekendtrafficjamreboot. The dipping sauce sounds delicious and I'm sure you could use it for other foods as well. Have a lovely week. x

  15. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe. I also love artichokes. I usually make a simple dip of butter and lemon juice, which is delicious, but I will give yours a try too! Visiting via Crazy little lovebirds.

    1. Hello, thank you! They were a mystery to me as a child, but I loved them just the same. I hope to get some plants to grow my own in the ground here on our little homestead.


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