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Thursday, April 22, 2021

Encouraging Hearts and Home 04.22.2021

A visit to Tim Hortons, A DIY tutorial on How to Make Tassels,  Cookie Crumb Peach Cobbler, and A C2C Window Pane Throw Pillow (with free pattern!) are this week's featured posts!  

Hello and Welcome!

We are in a race with our chickens! They are growing faster than we are getting the chicken coop built! We had little help from Mother Nature this past week it cost us a lost day when we got 6+ inches of snow on 04.19.2020! But fortunately, it melted almost as quickly as it fell, and we are back to dry (enough) conditions to resume building. 

The other thing that shocked us a bit, the new price of lumber! So while we are not changing our plans, we are changing some of our materials. Fortunately, we have been blessed to find more materials to recycle into what we need around our little homestead...

And now, it's time for this week's Encouraging Hearts & Home Blog Hop!

   Come and see what's new this week at Encouraging Hearts and Home, at Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household.
Introducing our team of Co-hosts! 
You may learn more about our team, right here
Thanks for joining in, we appreciate your visits, contributions, and comments!

Linda @ Apron Strings and other things.

Amy @ A Nest in the Rockies.

Jennifer @ Faithful Homestead.

Joanne @ Slices of Life.

Destiny @ Some Call it Destiny, and

Melynda @ Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household. 

Join your Encouraging Hearts & Home Co-Hosts each week for encouragement and support for your heart & your home. We hope to provide a space that builds each other up and lends a helping hand along the way. With all the negativity in the world, let's all shine a positive light!


Most Viewed Post from Last Week:

Most view post from 04.15.2021 Encouraging Hearts and Home Link-up.

A visit to Tim Hortons from Julie's Creative Lifestyle.

My personal favorites:

One of my favorites this week at Encouraging Hearts and Home, link-up your creations, right here at Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household!

How to Crochet a C2C Window Pane Throw Pillow, from Eye Love Knots. Such a pretty pillow, and a free pattern too!

One of my favorites this week at Encouraging Hearts and Home, link-up your creations, right here at Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household!

Cookie Crumb Peach Cobbler, from An Off-Grid Life. I love the no waste in this kitchen!

One of my favorites this week at Encouraging Hearts and Home, link-up your creations, right here at Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household!

How to Make Tassels a DIY project, from Hello Sewing. Maybe now, I will be able to make them!

What will you be sharing today? And, thanks for joining in the fun, here at Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household!

Use the form below to share your family-friendly posts this week, and please consider these nice things you can do:

  • Follow and/or subscribe to your host's blog.
  • Visit a few other bloggers and show them your support. We all love getting comments, and who knows what inspiration you may find? Be sure to share the love--that's what a blog hop is all about!
  • Check out our Encouraging Hearts & Home Pinterest board where each host pins her 10 favorite posts each week.
  • Join us every Thursday!
  • If you are interested in co-hosting, contact Linda at Apron Strings & Other Things!

Would you like to comment?

  1. Melynda,
    Good Morning!!!
    Thanks so much for taking the time each week to host this charming party!!! It is truly appreciated!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. Debbie, thanks for sharing your creative content with EHH, have a great week ahead!

  2. Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up with my HAPPY SPRING TRUCK PRINTABLE and OUTSTANDING BLOGGER AWARD – MY WEE ABODE. I’d like to invite you to drop by and linkup at some of my parties.

    1. Dee, thanks for sharing with EHH! I will stop by, I am intrigued with the truck printable!

  3. I have been hearing a lot about the rise in lumber prices, but I haven't really noticed it here. I will add that I never really paid attention to the price when we bought wood though... I look forward to seeing your chicken coop! Chickens are one of my favorite animals. I always had them growing up. Since we have plans to tear down our home in the near future and build a new one, I have held off on getting some but I want to build a nice, big aviary for them.


    1. They will love the space! I hope lumber prices have stabilized when you go to rebuild your home, in our area currently a sheet of plywood is over $60! We have used this time to search out recyclable materials, which I always enjoy using, but I have to admit, it adds time to the project for nail removal etc. Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.


Comments always appreciated, at Scratch Made Food! Please be aware comments with sales links will be deleted. Thank you for stopping by!