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Monday, March 20, 2023

Senior Salon Pit Stop #253

Welcome! The Senior Salon Pit Stop is now open for your posts! We invite you to come and take a look at what is being shared at SSPS #253! Because I can guarantee that you might be surprised, at what you will find… 

Hello and welcome to this week’s Senior Salon Pit Stop! This is one event that both readers and bloggers can be a part of. With so many family friendly posts to view and read, I know you will find something to inspire you or something new to learn about. Personally I am always looking for a new recipe or another do-it-yourself household idea!

And a special welcome all the new and returning bloggers as they share with the Senior Salon Pit Stop crew. It is always fun to see what everyone is up to and working hard to get their project completed!

We do ask that you visit one other post for each post you share, before you leave. Your visit will definitely make someone’s day brighter and isn’t that the best part of any link-up, getting to know one another?

Come and meet your Senior Salon Pit Stop Crew.

Places to connect with Julie:


Places to connect with Esme:


Places to connect with Melynda:




A few simple rules for the Senior Salon Pit Stop Link Party:

  • For every post that you share – make one comment on someone else’s post.  Help make their day a bit brighter.


  • Unlimited sharing limit BUT we ask that you visit one other blog post for each link you share.


  • Posts can be on any subject that is family-friendly.


  • Posts with direct sales, shops, or affiliates must contain relevant post content.

That’s it! Come and join the fun and let’s make it worthwhile!

By joining the Senior Salon Pit Stop, you signify permission (EsmeSalon privacy policy) to share your posts and images here and receive an email reminder when our next Senior Salon Pit Stop is LIVE. 

You may also be featured on EsmeSalon as part of the Top 10 featured posts.


These topics caught my eye last week!

I'm doing nothing, yep, I'm busy! at You Can Always Start Now.

Irish Potato Bread at Drug Store Divas. 

Irish Blackberry Fool at Ever Ready.

And before you go to enjoy SSPS #253, I invite you to take a look at these ideas and recipes…

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoy the following posts!

Would you like to comment?

  1. Thank you for hosting! Hope you are having a lovely week!x

    1. Thank you Touring Duo! And thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.


Comments always appreciated, at Scratch Made Food! Please be aware comments with sales links will be deleted. Thank you for stopping by!