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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Switchel, easy, delicious, and mildly probiotic for gut health!

With summer warm days and work days here now, this is the time to get geared up for making easy, and delicious beverages in your own kitchen. Let's start with this one, Switchel a tried and true thirst quencher!  Come and take a look at how easy it is to make. This has been around so long, it used to be called Haymaker's Punch

Everything old, becomes new again! Switchel has a long history, now several decades old1

I am always on the lookout for a healthy, hydrating beverage to male and enjoy. Especially in the warm weather months. But in all seriousness, this is a year round beverage. Often we speak of needing a healthy beverage in the warm weather months. But we need a healthy beverage any time we are working hard and working up a sweat. To be perfectly honest, that sweat needs to be replaced with water, in one form or another. You might as well whip it up in your own kitchen. 

In previous years I have brewed Kombucha, and from there tried Water Keifer. For our small family and basically just me, it was not cost-effective to brew large batches of either of these beverages. What with storage jars and storage space needed. And yet, I still wanted to be able to make and enjoy a fermented, gut-healthy beverage in my own kitchen. So I kept looking.

My love of food lore and kitchen history led me to Switchel. 

Then, a couple of years ago I came across an article for Switchel. Also known as Hay Maker's Punch. It is a family-friendly beverage made with maple syrup, fresh ginger, and apple cider vinegar. It is all-natural with no artificial ingredients and it is good for your gut and digestive tract. I knew right away I needed to give it a try. From there there was only thing left to do. Share how to make it! Without further commentary, a simple recipe for Switchel....(it is really very easy) There is nothing better than a healthy drink made from your own pantry ingredients, waiting in the fridge.

And for those looking for a coconut water version, you may want to try this delicious Blueberry and Coconut Switchel! Not too sweet, and very refreshing!

Some thoughts on this recipe.

The probiotic action comes from the raw apple cider vinegar, combined with a short stay on your kitchen counter.

You may substitute coconut water for the plain water adding additional minerals to the mix. 

While the original Switchel/Hay Maker's Punch recipe is fairly standard, feel free to increase the apple cider vinegar, ginger, or maple syrup to achieve the flavor your family prefers. 

For more than one quart, simply double the ingredients and use a larger container!

Ingredients needed for this recipe:
  • raw apple cider vinegar
  • real maple syrup
  • fresh ginger
  • sea salt
You will also need the following:
  • measuring spoons
  • measuring cups
  • storage jar with a lid
  • grater or food planer
  • kitchen spoon
Now we are ready to begin!

Apple cider vinegar, real maple syrup, minced ginger are the basic ingredients to make Switchel.
Switchel is an old fashion mildly probiotic drink for the whole family to enjoy.

adapted from:  Wellness Mama
UPDATED: 06.09.2024

4 t raw apple cider vinegar (shake the bottle and get some of the "mother)
4 T real maple syrup
pinch of sea salt or Celtic salt

1-2 t grated fresh ginger, tip: start with 1 t and go from there, ginger is delicious but can be pungent.

cool water - (if your water has fluoride, draw off the water the day before and let stand overnight to clear out the  fluoride)

Grate enough ginger for the recipe, and place it into the jar. 

Add the apple cider vinegar, sea salt, and maple syrup. Fill with a scant 4 cups of water, and stir gently. 

Cover with toweling or a small sandwich bag. Let sit on the counter overnight or for up to 48 hours to ferment. 

Refrigerate until needed. Stir gently before drinking, you may strain out the ginger pieces if desired. Switchel keeps for several days in the refrigerator. When the jar gets empty, make more!

UPDATE:  For your convenience, a "copy and paste" version of Switchel has been included below.

 You may also enjoy this recipe for Easy Chia Seed Water




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You may also enjoy, Creative writing from the heart... stories of life, living, and family.

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Printable "copy and paste" version:
adapted from:  Wellness Mama
UPDATED: 06.09.2024

4 t raw apple cider vinegar (shake the bottle and get some of the "mother
4 T real maple syrup
pinch of sea salt or Celtic salt

1-2 t grated fresh ginger, tip: start with 1 t and go from there, ginger is delicious but can be pungent.

cool water - (if your water has fluoride, draw off the water the day before and let stand overnight to clear out the  fluoride)

Grate enough ginger for the recipe, and place it into the jar. 

Add the apple cider vinegar, sea salt, and maple syrup. Fill with a scant 4 cups of water, and stir gently. 

Cover with toweling or a small sandwich bag. Let sit on the counter overnight or for up to 48 hours to ferment. 

Refrigerate until needed. Stir gently before drinking, you may strain out the ginger pieces if desired. Switchel keeps for several days in the refrigerator. When the jar gets empty, make more!


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  1. Melinda, I always find such great ideas on your site. I love this simple yet healthy pro-biotic idea for summer. Thanks

    1. Thank you! And thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.

  2. Nice recipe, so natural and simple!

  3. Thanks for sharing, Melynda. I am looking for fermented recipes with my recent diagnosis. This looks doable!

    1. Thanks! It is also adaptable tor your own preferred flavor. I usually use the smaller amount of ginger as fresh ginger can have a little bite of heat if I use to much. Take care!

  4. Replies
    1. It is an old recipe, made new again with the ACV craze (which is a good thing!).

  5. Never heard of Switchel. I was all in until the ACV. I would probably replace the ACV with lemon juice. I'll try it your way and see what happens. You're my neighbor at Random-osity Link-Up.

    1. The ACV is mild but we all have a tolerance for sour. I had to adjust the ginger for my taste, it was quite spicy in the original recipe I tried.

  6. Sounds refreshing and a little different. I'd love to give it a try.

  7. This sounds good!! Pinned! Thanks for sharing at My Big Fat Menopausal Life's Share the Wealth Party. Hope your week is amazing!

    1. Helen, you are welcome. Thanks for hosting, I appreciate it!

  8. I have never heard of Switchel before, it does sound like a great drink for the warmer months!

    1. Kim, it is quite good and so refreshing! Plus the ingredients are easy to keep on hand.

  9. I've never heard of Switchel. Sounds like a good pro-biotic. Thanks for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #40 linkup. Hope to see you at #41, too. Have a great week.

  10. I've never heard of switchel - but I want to try it so I pinned it! Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party.

    1. Helen, you just might enjoy a mug of this after working in your yard!

  11. Yes, ACV was and is a staple in our home.

  12. I'm so excited to make this!

    1. It is a bit different, but quite delicious. Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate it.

  13. I love learning something new. I hadn’t heard of switchel, but now I need to explore it. I just ordered a probiotic drink mix from Amazon. This would have been a great option. Thank you for sharing your recipe at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #42. ♡

    1. Stephanie, I think you will like how easy this is to mix together and have ready.

  14. I've never heard of Switchel. This is really neat. You have some of the most unique foods and drinks here. I love browsing around to see what your up to.
    Thanks bunches for sharing Switchel with Sweet Tea & Friend's June link-up.

    1. Paula it is so old, it is new again, LOL! Thanks for stopping by, i appreciate it.


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