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Friday, March 12, 2021

How to make, Blueberry and Coconut Water Switchel

Switchel is a mildly probiotic beverage that has been made and enjoyed for centuries. It is easy to customize and you won't need to keep a large supply of hasp-type bottles for storage...why not give Blueberry and Coconut Water Switchel a try? 

Good for the gut, yes. But it tastes delicious!

We all need good gut health! One change that can make a positive difference for gut health is the addition of probiotic-rich foods. We have a few delicious recipes we have found and continue to enjoy, such as Apple Raisin Chutney, a delicious fermented fruit chutney. And these delightful Taco Pickles. I also from time to time make and enjoy kimchi. While we love sauerkraut, many of the other fermented vegetables tried have not been well received at our table. And I have tried quite a few different recipes...

One easy solution to this dilemma is probiotic-rich beverages. Currently, we purchase kombucha, from time to time. It can be expensive but has come down in price as popularity has increased. Bottled kombucha is the beverage I choose when we stop for a cold drink, and fortunately, it is easier to find in the marketplace than ever before. 

Switchel on the other hand has been made at home to nourish bodies for years and years. Also known as Haymaker's Punch, it is a simple mixture of apple cider vinegar, ginger, maple syrup (or honey and molasses ), a bit of salt, and water. It was the "Gatorade" of its time for those bucking hay out in the full sun of late summer! 

Feel free to customize for your own preferred flavor.

Switchel is also easy to customize, you may make it strong on flavor (with more vinegar and ginger) or big on water, your choice. I have made it both ways and for me, it is about the water, that one area in my daily routine where I still fall short...thankfully Blueberry and Coconut Water Switchel is easy to make, and delicious to drink. 

You may of course use any fruit you wish for a fruit-flavored Switchel, but this Blueberry and Coconut Water Switchel goes great with a squeeze of fresh lime, while you are taking a break from chores or simply relaxing after a long day...

Ingredients needed for this recipe:
  • coconut water
  • blueberries
  • fresh ginger
  • apple cider vinegar
  • salt
  • maple syrup
You will also need:
  • wide mouth quart jar, with lid
  • measuring cups
  • measuring spoons
  • grater or food plane
  • stick blender
Now we are ready to begin!

Blueberry and Coconut Water Switchel
by the seat of my pants
makes approximately 1 quart

2 T apple cider vinegar 
2-4 T pure maple syrup 
1-3 t finely grated fresh ginger
1/2 - 1 c blueberries, frozen is fine
dash of salt
coconut water

Shake the apple cider vinegar to distribute the "mother", then measure the vinegar. 

Place the apple cider vinegar, maple syrup, ginger, blueberries, salt, and 1/2 c of the coconut water into a wide mouth quart far. 

Puree using a stick blender.

Fill the jar to the top with additional coconut water.

Cover and let rest on the counter 24/48 hours, allowing for a mild fermentation. 

Strain the Blueberry and Coconut Water Switchel mixture through a mesh strainer into another quart jar, attach the lid, and refrigerate.

Storage options for Blueberry and Coconut Water Switchel:
Store loosely covered in the refrigerator for up to one week. But I don't think it will last that long.

UPDATE:  For your convenience, a "copy and paste" version of Blueberry and Coconut Water Switchel has been included below.


You might also enjoy this recipe for Easy Chia Seed Water, another delicious homemade beverage to stay hydrated!


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Printable "copy and paste" version:

Blueberry and Coconut Water Switchel
by the seat of my pants
makes approximately 1 quart

2 T apple cider vinegar 
2-4 T pure maple syrup 
1-3 t finely grated fresh ginger
1/2 - 1 c blueberries, frozen is fine
dash of salt
coconut water

Shake the apple cider vinegar to distribute the "mother", then measure the vinegar. 

Place the apple cider vinegar, maple syrup, ginger, blueberries, salt, and 1/2 c of the coconut water into a wide mouth quart far. 

Puree using a stick blender.

Fill the jar to the top with additional coconut water.

Cover and let rest on the counter 24/48 hours, allowing for a mild fermentation. 

Strain the Blueberry and Coconut Water Switchel mixture through a mesh strainer into another quart jar, attach the lid, and refrigerate.

Storage options for Blueberry and Coconut Water Switchel:
Store loosely covered in the refrigerator for up to one week. But I don't think it will last that long.


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  1. i've never heard of switchel but it sounds fabulous. i must give it a go soon.

    1. It is quite refreshing! Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.

  2. What an awesome way to get more probiotics! Thanks so much for sharing this at our Party in Your PJs link party.

  3. I've never heard of switchel before. I wonder if it is a thing here too.

    1. Good question, if not exact, most likely a local rehydration beverage. Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.

  4. I was so interested to learn about Switchel, Melynda! I'm a big fan of Kombucha but this sounds like a lovely alternative. The Blueberry and Coconut combination is perfect for me! Thank you for sharing, and for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party. I hope you are having a good weekend! Take care.

    1. April, we are getting a break from the snow, so I know that spring is on the way! Switchel is very refreshing, and you may customize it as you wish.

  5. This sounds so delicious! We always have tons of blueberries and are looking for new ways to use them. Thanks for sharing this with us on the Homestead Blog Hop, please come back again soon!

    1. You are welcome, blueberries are becoming more popular, which is a good thing! Besides being delicious, they are good for us!

  6. So interesting! Although I brew kombucha and water kefir, switchel was new to me. Thank you for the recipe!

    1. Hello, you are very welcome. Coconut water is one of my go-to ingredients for good hydration when it is hot or I am working hard in the garden. This one if quite nice.

  7. Amazing looking and love blueberries, maple syrup and then the coconut water added. Can make this for our Son, DIL and kids to keep handy when they work on the farm in the summer days.

    1. Esme, this is quite nice and a delicious change in flavor, I hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.

  8. I never heard of switchel until I read your post. I looked it up and found this on Wikipedia: "Switchel, switzel, swizzle, switchy, ginger-water or haymaker's punch is a drink made of water mixed with vinegar, and often seasoned with ginger. It is usually sweetened with molasses, though honey, sugar, brown sugar, or maple syrup are sometimes used instead." Very interesting and may try it. Thanks for co-hosting SSPS#316. My shares this week are #46 through 50. Have a great week.


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