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Monday, May 30, 2022

Easy Chia Seed Water, with tons of flavor variations and ideas!

True confession, I don't really like plain water. But we all need water. One solution is this Easy Chia Seed Water. And the best part? You can make it a million different you will never get tired of drinking something that is good for you!

It took a lot of reminding before I finally learned to drink enough water in hot weather.

When we volunteered at Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument in Arizona, it was drummed into all the volunteers (including me, finally!) by the Rangers that you never go into the desert without water. And of course, you never go out further than you have water enough to get you back home. Or at least back to a reliable source of potable water. Lack of water is a serious issue. More than once, folks crossing the border were saved by the special water storage spots marked with high flying bright blue flags.

But in all honesty, plain water has always been a problem for me. Even as a kid. But not drinking enough can lead to dehydration when out hiking or even working in the yard during warm weather months. But where there is a will, there is a way.

It was time to learn about other ways to get water, without drinking just water!

I am not a soda drinker, it is a rare treat when having dinner out and enjoying a delicious hamburger, and fries. But soda is not the answer to staying hydrated. Water is. And I have learned through the years how to make a few beverages that are gut-friendly and give you the hydration you need and want. Such as regular everyday Switchel and this Blueberry and Coconut Water Switchel. But I also wanted a little more variety, which led to exploring and enjoying Easy Chis Seed Water

Why Easy Chia Seed Water? Simply put, for the nutrition. According to chia seeds contain protein (all 9 essential amino acids) soluble fiber carbohydrate and Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Chia Seeds are an ancient grain and folks are finding more and more ways to use them to add all that nutrition to their diets. But I never thought about drinking Chia Seeds, ever! Then one day I noticed Chia Seeds dancing on the bottom of a bottle of Kombucha at my local market. My first thought was, "no thanks!" But soon I realized I needed to learn more about Chia Seeds and after a bit of education, to get more of them into the foods I eat. And I have to say after enjoying Easy Chis Seed Water a couple of times this week, the texture in the drink is kind of fun and I have been getting more water into my daily routine.

Some thoughts on Easy Chia Seed Water.

You can make it up before going out for the day hiking or taking to work. Or make it the night before and refrigerate it. Ready to go in the morning. 

Chia seeds will float until they have softened, at which point they will be at the bottom of your drink. If desired shake gently before drinking, to mix them in. 

We all have different fiber needs, feel free to start with (or even stay with) 1 t of chia seeds for your beverage. Also while water every day is essential, Easy Chia Seed Water each day may provide too much fiber for some (like me!), please adjust accordingly. 

I find it so easy to stick one or two tea bags in a container the night before for a cold brew tea, but, if you prefer tea steeped with boiling water, please do so.

If you prefer your beverage to be naturally sweetened, make this honey syrup. The easiest way is using a 2-cup glass measuring cup and the microwave.

How to Make Honey Syrup.

1 c very hot water, use the stovetop or microwave
add 1 c honey

Stir until mixed together completely. Let cool, and store covered in the refrigerator. Use as desired. 

Now on to some suggestions!

Lemon and Maple Chia Seed Water
by the seat of my pants!

16 oz. water
1 t up to 1 T chia seeds
2 T lemon juice
2 T real maple syrup or honey syrup

Combine in a screw-top drink container, secure the lid and shake gently. If you are not drinking it that day, store it in the refrigerator.

Arnold Palmer Style Chia Seed Water
by the seat of my pants!

8 oz. iced tea
8 oz. lemonade
1 t up to 1 T chia seeds

Combine in a screw-top drink container, secure the lid and shake gently. If you are not drinking it that day, store it in the refrigerator.

Cold Brew Tea Chia Seed Water
by the seat of my pants!

1 or 2 tea bags of your favorite flavor
16 oz. water
1 t up to 1 T chia seeds
2 - 3 T honey syrup, if desired
1 - 2 tsp lemon juice, if desired

The night before, combine the tea bags and the water and let them steep overnight. The next morning remove the tea bags and add the chia seeds, honey syrup, and lemon juice if used. Secure the lid and shake gently. If you are not drinking it that day, store it in the refrigerator.

Green Tea and Cranberry Chia Seed Water
by the seat of my pants!

1 or 2 green tea bags
12 oz. water
1/2 c naturally sweetened cranberry juice
1 t up to 1 T chia seeds
2 - 3 T honey syrup

The night before, combine the green tea bags and the water and let them steep overnight. The next morning remove the tea bags and add the chia seed, and the honey syrup. Secure the lid and shake gently. If you are not drinking it that day, store it in the refrigerator. 

Mint Tea and Honey Chia Seed Water
by the seat of my pants!

16 oz. water
1 - 2 mint tea bags
2 - 3 T honey syrup
1 t up to 1 T chia seeds

Begin the night before with the water and tea bags. Let steep overnight. The next morning/day remove the tea bags and add the remaining ingredients to the container. Secure the lid and shake gently. If you are not drinking it that day, store it in the refrigerator. 

Lime and Honey Chia Seed Water
by the seat of my pants!

16 oz. water
1 t up to 1 T chia seeds
2 T lime juice
2 - 3 T honey syrup

Combine in a screw-top drink container, secure the lid and shake gently. If you are not drinking it that day, store it in the refrigerator.

Time is Tight Chia Seed Beverage
by the seat of my pants!

Add 1 t up to 1 T chia seeds to anything you are drinking. When the seeds have settled to the bottom, it is ready to drink.

And my final variation! While not a true Chis Seed Water, this is so tasty, and what a treat at work during morning break! You will want to keep this one cold.

Coffee Latte Chia Seed Water
by the seat of my pants!

16 oz. cold coffee
1 t up to 1 T chia seeds
2 - 3 T honey syrup
2 T half and half

Use an insulated drink container for this drink. Combine in a screw-top drink container, secure the lid and shake gently. Store in the refrigerator. 

The easiest way to cold brew tea is to tie the tag strings together and hang them over a spoon handle. Saves fishing them out from the bottom of the container the next morning. Plus I have learned that you do not want to squeeze out the tea bags, leave the bitter flavor in the bag! If only using one tea bag, tape the tag on the outside of the drink container...

You might also enjoy this recipe for Switchel, the old fashioned Hay Makers Punch from so many years ago...




Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household featured at Senior Salon Pit Stop Link-up and Blog Hop.
Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household featured at Senior Salon Pit Stop Link-up and Blog Hop. 

Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household featured at Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop.
Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household featured at Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop. 

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  1. These all sound really good! I remember buying chia seeds once many years ago to put into my overnight oats, but, even though I did like the taste and feel of them, never bought them again. Maybe I should.

    1. They soften nicely! Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.

  2. I never would have thought of making Chia seed water. These recipes look so good! Thanks for linking up at the Making a Home - Homemaking Link Up!

    1. Thanks, I must confess it was when I noticed them at the bottom of a bottle of kombucha at the store I realized I needed to learn more about chia seeds, the nutrition and fiber details and get more of them in my day.

  3. Very interesting! I've never heard of chia seed water. But I do add ground chia seeds to oatmeal, and I sprinkle it on salads.

    1. Chia seed water is a fun way to get your liquids down and add a little bit of fiber to your day. A bottle of Chia Seed Water at my desk at work is quite handy to stave off dehydration. Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.

  4. Thanks for sharing at My Big Fat Menopausal Life's Share the Wealth Party. Hope your week is amazing!

    1. Helen, you are welcome. Thanks for hosting, I appreciate it!

  5. I've used chia in several cooking dishes. Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party. Hope your week is fantastic!

  6. I've never heard of chia seed water before, I will have to remember to add them to my water. Visiting from SSPS

    1. Amy, I have learned to drink water so late in the game, but sometimes another glass of plain water just is not in the cards. When that happens, I like something like one of these Chia Seed Water drinks.


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