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Thursday, November 9, 2023

Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot! 11.10.2023

Welcome to another great weekend, and what better way to enjoy it in full than a visit to Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot! What makes this link-up special is that we encourage you to link up not only your current posts and great ideas, but also the great stuff in your archives! Yes, that's right, older posts are encouraged!

Wait, did I hear that correctly?

Huh?, did you say, older posts are welcome too? Yep, we sure did. Lets give those older (and STILL great!) posts some recognition and respect. Because let's be honest, last month's or even last year's creative work is still great work, simply we encourage you bring them out and share it right here! 

Each Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot, we look forward to seeing all your great projects, ideas, recipes, and any family friendly blog post you wish to share. 

Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot is currently shared over three blogs, here at Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household along with Marsha in the Middle and Boondock Ramblings. We are looking for additional Co-Hosts to share in the fun! If you think this would be fun, and a good fit for you, drop an email and someone will get back with you!

My week in a quick lookback, and recap... 

The weather has been hot and cool, and I have to admit the cooler weather is much nicer for working outside, hauling dirt, etc. We finally got the last leg of the electrical service installed on the property, and at some point I will have a washer and dryer to use in the shop! We are getting settled in well enough that meals are being cooked, and evenings are relaxing, getting us ready for the new day. You just know there will be more to do!

What's up next, on our property? Because are you ever really done?...

I worked on getting the area around the large tree in front of our tiny house cleaned up, yikes on a hot day yet! Mainly because we have a lot of Poison Ivy in our yard here. All the weeds were cleared, a baking soda layer sprinkled over any weeds left behind, then week fabric and finally the wood chips we got from the tree company when they were working along the road a couple of weeks ago. 

And my husband and son in law have been working on the rain/hail cover. I have to be honest, I can't wait for the cover to be done. It will offer shade on the hot days, helping the A/C as well as protection from hail. Which we have enjoyed before as visitors to East Texas. 

If you would like to know why we are building a tiny house homesite here in East Texas, you can read about it here...

In case you missed it, here are some of our favorite posts from Scratch Made Food & DIY Homemade Household

And now, let's take a look at the most viewed post, along with posts that caught my eye, from last week's Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot!

Most viewed:   

And these: The Cider Glazed Butternut Squash, Homeschooling and that Olive and Feta Bruschetta!

And now on to the Link-up! THANKS to all that share and visit, Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot wouldn't work without you! 

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  1. I am really enjoying the links in this link party. Thanks for featuring my cider glazed butternut squash as a favorite this week.

    1. Judee, I appreciate your leaving this comment, because seeing what others are working on and having a fun time "meeting" new bloggers is what it is all about! Thanks so much.


Comments always appreciated, at Scratch Made Food! Please be aware comments with sales links will be deleted. Thank you for stopping by!