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Monday, May 29, 2023

One Bowl Carrot Cake

Are you looking for a cake that is just as delicious plain, right out of the pan as it is with frosting or a sauce? If so, One Bowl Carrot Cake is just what you are looking for! Perfect as a snack cake right out of the pan, but so easy to upscale with a bit of frosting or a creamy dessert sauce...

I have loved carrot cake for as long as I can remember! 

Carrot cake has always been my favorite! And nothing makes me as happy as taking a favorite dessert and succeeding with that perfect transition to another whole wheat family favorite and baking success. But before you write this cake off, because of the whole wheat flour, I suggest you take another look! One Bowl Carrot Cake is soft, tender, and delicious. Does that sound like a boring dessert that is not worth making? Yeah I didn't think so either. Which is why I decided to share this delicious recipe! 

Whole Wheat desserts are beginning to win the flavor race, and I am proud of my contribution.

Whole wheat desserts have a bad reputation to overcome, but this recipe for One Bowl Carrot Cake is proof that the words whole wheat and delicious can be in the same sentence! I have been on a whole foods journey for a few years now, and I was as skeptical (possibly even more so...) as anyone could be. I thought whole grain anything, was not worth my time, or belly space. Because I had not learned that for delicious results, you must work with the ingredients, and not against them. 

Choosing the right class of wheat will make a big difference in the finished dish.

Success in cooking and baking is not only choosing the right recipe, but also the right ingredients. Whole wheat is a generic term if you will, there are hundreds possibly thousands of strains of wheat. Within those numbers, there are six classes of wheat. According to  the six different classes of wheat represent the ways in which wheat is best used. White Whole Wheat flour is the best choice for a tender cake, your favorite batch of cookies, as well as all quick bread. In those early years of my whole wheat baking experiences, I was using the wrong wheat and expecting impossible to achieve results...

With the success I have found with whole wheat baking, it won't surprise you to learn we use a lot of white whole wheat flour in this kitchen! Because why not eat food that is not only good for you, but tastes as delicious as this One Bowl Carrot Cake

Some additional thoughts on this recipe:

Remember to measure the whole wheat flour with the following method: whisk the flour in your cannister, spoon into the measuring cup, and sweep off the extra flour to level the top. Flour measured in this way will always give good results. 

Sometimes I add a handful of chopped walnuts to this cake. 

And I like to chop the raisins.

Ingredients needed for this recipe:
  • White Whole Wheat flour
  • sugar
  • brown sugar, yes, you can make your own!
  • baking soda
  • ground cinnamon
  • carrots
  • raisins
  • salt
  • eggs
  • oil
  • vanilla
You will also need the following:
  • medium-sized mixing bowl
  • box grater or food processor
  • measuring cups
  • measuring spoons
  • whisk
  • silicone spatula
  • 8-inch baking pan
Now we are ready to begin!

One Bowl Carrot Cake
350-degree oven
UPDATED: 05.29.2023

1 c white whole wheat flour, we prefer sprouted white whole wheat flour
1/2 c sugar
1/3 c brown sugar
1 t baking soda
1/2 t cinnamon
1/4 t salt

2 eggs
1/3 c oil
2 t vanilla

1 1/2 - 2 c grated carrots
1/3 c raisins, finely chopped

In a large mixing bowl, combine the sprouted whole wheat flour, sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, baking soda, and salt. Mix well using a whisk, set aside.

Grate enough carrots to fill the measure, I usually grate four carrots. Chop the raisins, set aside. 

Add the eggs, oil, and vanilla to the flour mixture beat until smooth. Stir in the grated carrots and the chopped raisins. 

Turn the batter into a prepared 8-inch baking pan.  

Bake 30 minutes or until done in your oven. Remove from the oven and let cool completely. 

Serve plain, frosted, or with a spoonful of Buttermilk Creme Dessert Sauce!

Storage options for One Bowl Carrot Cake. Covered One Bowl Carrot Cake will keep well at room temperature for up to three days, refrigerate for longer storage. One Bowl Carrot Cake like most plain freshly baked and cooled cakes, freezes well. Thaw in the refrigerator to prevent any frost from forming wet spots. 

UPDATE:  For your convenience, a "copy and paste" version of One Bowl Carrot Cake has been included below. 

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You may also enjoy, Creative writing from the heart... stories of life, living, and family.

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Printable "copy and paste" version:

One Bowl Carrot Cake
inspired by Little House Living
350-degree oven
UPDATED: 05.29.2023

1 c white whole wheat flour, we prefer sprouted white whole wheat flour
1/2 c sugar
1/3 c brown sugar
1 t baking soda
1/2 t cinnamon
1/4 t salt

2 eggs
1/3 c oil
2 t vanilla

1 1/2 - 2 c grated carrots
1/3 c raisins, finely chopped

In a large mixing bowl, combine the sprouted whole wheat flour, sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, baking soda, and salt. Mix well using a whisk, set aside.

Grate enough carrots to fill the measure, I usually grate four carrots. Chop the raisins, set aside. 

Add the eggs, oil, and vanilla to the flour mixture beat until smooth. Stir in the grated carrots and the chopped raisins. 

Turn the batter into a prepared 8-inch baking pan.  

Bake 30 minutes or until done in your oven. Remove from the oven and let cool completely. 

Serve plain, frosted, or with a spoonful of Buttermilk Creme Dessert Sauce!

Storage options for One Bowl Carrot Cake. Covered One Bowl Carrot Cake will keep well at room temperature for up to three days, refrigerate for longer storage. One Bowl Carrot Cake like most plain freshly baked and cooled cakes, freeze well. Thaw in the refrigerator to prevent any frost from forming wet spots. 


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  1. Ok, then, you've got another winner here! Paired with the buttermilk creme sauce ... mmmmmmm, can't wait to try them.

  2. That sounds delicious! I have been craving carrot cake with cream cheese frosting-- YUM! Pinned.

    1. I hope you enjoy this cake as much as we did, thanks for stopping by!

  3. My husband's favorite kind of cake (and his birthday is coming up . . . hummmmm)

    1. I realized when I made it, it would be so easy to double for a layered cake...thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it!

  4. One of our favourite cakes is Carrot, Walnut and Ginger cake. It's pretty much the only way I eat carrot cake.

  5. I LOVE carrot cake, it's one of my favourites. This sounds quick and easy to put together, my kind of recipe! Thanks for sharing at Handmade Monday :-)

  6. Yummy carrot cake!! Thanks so much for linking up with me at the Unlimited Link Party 24. Pinned!

    1. Dee, thanks so for hosting Ultimate Link up # 24, I appreciate it!

  7. Visiting again to say thanks so much for linking up at Food Friday 7 for Dessert Recipes. Shared.

    1. Thank you Dee, and thank you for hosting! I appreciate sharing with and learning from your readers.

  8. This looks so easy, and I love carrot cake. :) Visiting from Grammy's Grid Unlimited Link Party.

    1. Jennifer, thank you! It is quite easy and delicious. Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.

  9. Visiting again to say thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 114. Pinned.

    1. Thank you Dee, and thanks for hosting! I enjoy sharing with your readers.

  10. Always love a good moist carrot cake, Thank for sharing at #263 SSPS Linky.

  11. My husband loves carrot cake and this looks like an easier and healthier version. Thanks for sharing, Melynda.

    1. Donna, this is a very light cake, it is my favorite! For a nice change do try the buttermilk creme sauce instead of frosting....

  12. Interesting very interesting. This is a great idea.
    Thanks bunches for sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends this month dear friend.

    1. Paula, you will love it, this is one of my favorite recipes developed with whole wheat flour!

  13. We've always been a fan of carrot cake. The whole wheat flour sounds like a healthy alternative. I love how easy it sounds. Judee from Gluten Free A-Z blog

  14. Love a good carrot cake - and any recipes that simplifies the baking process. Thanks for sharing


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