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Monday, April 15, 2024

Butter and Cinnamon Glazed Carrots.

Are you looking for an easy to prepare carrot recipe that the family will love? If so Butter and Cinnamon Glazed Carrots are just what you are looking for my friends; because, here's the deal about these carrots...

It turns out that carrots not only keep well once harvested, but are available year-round, plus they taste great. 

And they quickly become best friends with a bit of butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon! Which brings us to Butter and Cinnamon Glazed Carrots! Everyone loves these carrots. How do I know? Because there are never any left behind in the bowl at the end of mealtime. And they are so good that if you are fortunate enough to have more than four people dining at your table, you will want to double this recipe so that everyone gets some...

But we use carrots as often as possible in this house from prepping ahead when we make a batch of Carrot Brown Rice or we bake up a quick One Bowl Carrot Cake for dessert...

I found this recipe in a little book called Keep the Beat, delicious healthy dinners. 

The recipe was introduced with the following claim, "These carrots are super delicious!". And the truth is, they really are! Not too sweet, not fussy in any way and they are especially loved by children along with everyone else who eats them...sounds like a good reason to put them on your table for family and friends to enjoy, as soon as is possible!

Personally I keep fresh carrots on hand at all times. 

They can be served raw, cooked and in salads. Making a bag of carrots a good investment and a good friend in any busy kitchen. But as silly as it sounds, I realized that I don't usually turn to carrots as the vegetable for the evening's meal. Where as they always show up in stews and soups, as well as salads. So what was going on?

And then one day it hit me, I had been trained to think main dish, starchy/carb side dish and "a green vegetable". And that last part had been so ingrained in me, I just kept going with it...Now I try and serve carrots at least once a week, in one form or another. So if you find carrots are often missing in your meal plans, try this recipe for Butter and Cinnamon Glazed Carrots, it's a good one to start with! And serve them often! 

Some additional thoughts on this recipe:

This recipe calls for a shallow pan with a lid. Shallow pans are perfect for cooking vegetables. You won't need a lot of water and the vegetables are in a single layer which means they will cook fast.

If you like sweet glazed carrots, use the larger amount of brown sugar.

If you have extra large carrots, cut in half down the middle before cutting on a slant. 

Peeling the carrots is a great job for those younger cooks that might be visiting your kitchen...

Ingredients needed for this recipe:
  • carrots
  • salt
  • butter
  • cinnamon
  • brown sugar 
You will also need the following:
  • vegetable peeler
  • large kitchen knife
  • measuring spoons
  • cutting board
  • large shallow pan with lid
Now we are ready to begin!

Butter and Cinnamon Glazed Carrots. 

Butter and Cinnamon Glazed Carrots
adapted from:  keep the beat, delicious healthy dinners
UPDATED:  04.16.2024

6 large organic carrots
2 T butter
3-4 T brown sugar - your choice, mild or sweeter
1 t cinnamon
dash of salt

Peel the carrots, rinse and drain well. Slice on the slant into 3/4 inch slices. 
Place in a shallow pan with about 1/2 inch of water in the bottom. Cover with the lid, bring to a boil, immediately reduce heat to simmer and cook until the carrots are tender, but not overcooked... 

Turn the cooked carrots into a colander, and drain very well. 

Using the same pan, add remaining ingredients. When the butter has melted and the brown sugar is mixed in, add back the cooked carrots. Using medium heat, cook and toss carrots until well glazed. Serve.

Storage options for Butter and Cinnamon Glazed Carrots. If you have leftovers you may store them covered in the refrigerator for up to three days. 

UPDATE:  For your convenience, a "copy and paste" version of Butter and Cinnamon Glazed Carrots has been included below. 

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You may also enjoy, Creative writing from the heart... stories of life, living, and family.

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Printable "copy and paste" version:

Butter and Cinnamon Glazed Carrots
adapted from:  keep the beat, delicious healthy dinners
UPDATED:  04.16.2024

6 large organic carrots
2 T butter
3-4 T brown sugar - your choice, mild or sweeter
1 t cinnamon
dash of salt

Peel the carrots, rinse and drain well. Slice on the slant into 3/4 inch slices. 
Place in a shallow pan with about 1/2 inch of water in the bottom. Cover with the lid, bring to a boil, immediately reduce heat to simmer and cook until the carrots are tender, but not overcooked... 

Turn the cooked carrots into a colander, and drain very well. 

Using the same pan, add remaining ingredients. When the butter has melted and the brown sugar is mixed in, add back the cooked carrots. Using medium heat, cook and toss carrots until well glazed. Serve.

Storage options for Butter and Cinnamon Glazed Carrots. If you have leftovers you may store them covered in the refrigerator for up to three days. 


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  1. Yummy! I think my kids would enjoy these. I might add a dash of nutmeg. Pinned.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! I love that carrots are available year round.

  3. Melynda,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    Happy and Healthy New year to you and your family!!!

  4. I never used to like cooked carrots, but I'm finding more and more delicious ways to cook them!

    1. Because I keep them fresh in the crisper drawer (over bags of carrots in the freezer), I am guilty of the same, but trying to change that with a carrot dish each week.

  5. Oops - I forgot to say - Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party.

  6. I've never thought of adding cinnamon to carrots, but I bet this would be a delicious combination. Visiting from Talking About it Tuesdays.

    1. Stopping in again to say thank you for sharing this post with me and my readers at the Will Blog for Comments #34 linkup. We hope to see you next week at #35, too, sharing more posts, old or new. Have a great week!

    2. Jennifer, I was surprised how well cinnamon and carrots go together! Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.

    3. Jennifer, years ago I made a carrot pie, which was delicious! So the combination of carrots and cinnamon did not surprise me.

  7. We are the same way; I always have carrots on hand and we use them in soups, stews, to much on as carrot sticks or even to shred and use in recipes but I rarely think to actually prepare and serve carrots. This sounds delicious.

    1. Joanne, carrots are in my fridge all the time. Perfect for last minute salad or snacking. I work on serving them more, as a vegetable.

  8. I have enjoyed glazed carrots but I haven't had them with cinnamon - yet! Thanks for sharing with Create-it link party.

    1. Janet to be honest with you, neither had I until I ran across this recipe. And now they are a favorite. Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.

  9. I need to try this! Looks so simple and delicious!

    Thank you for sharing your recipe at the Homestead Blog Hop!



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