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Thursday, December 1, 2022

Cranberry and Dried Cherry (with a jigger of gin!) Sauce.

Cranberries are a favorite around here and this easy sauce is one to remember. Cranberry and Dried Cherry (with a jigger of gin!) Sauce is not just for the holidays or to eaten with just turkey. Why? Because the rich fruity flavor goes well with just about all roasted meat, t any time of the year!

Once you see the cranberry harvest begin, you will remain fascinated with cranberries. 

For a few years we lived on the upper peninsula in the state of Washington. In Ocean Park Washington to be exact. One of the major crops after seafood is cranberries. There is nothing more interesting than to watch the cranberry harvest. The bogs are flooded and the cranberries are floated off the bushes to be scooped up and loaded into large trucks. I looked forward to the harvest each year and used that the harvest as inspiration to cook up some new recipes. This sauce came about, during our time on the peninsula. 

While only available for a limited time, we always put some away for later.

Cranberries seem to be some what neglected. They are desired and sought out for the holidays and then later, not so much for the rest of the year. I try to put a few bags of cranberries away in the freezer each year to make sure I have them throughout the year. If you look around in the recipe archives you will find several recipes calling for cranberries, in one way or another. But this Cranberry and Dried Cherry (with a jigger of gin!) Sauce has always stayed a favorite, so I decided that it was time to write it down!

The perfect flavor element in this sauce is...

The one flavor element we do not use much of here in the U.S.A. is bitter. But bitter has its place and this sauce is a delicious way to include a pleasurable bitter flavor element to your meal. Don't worry it is only mildly bitter, and in a delicious and unusual way that you will totally enjoy. Cranberry and Dried Cherry (with a jigger of gin!) Sauce will go with just about any roasted meat you plan on serving, from chicken and turkey to pork and ham. 

You may find that frozen berries will cook up, but might not "pop" as fresh cranberries will do. There is a simple fix, after cooking, use a potato masher to break open the berries, and a thick sauce will form just like when cooking with fresh berries. 

Ingredients needed for this recipe:
  • cranberries
  • gin
  • sugar
  • dried cherries
  • salt
  • water
You will also need the following:
  • medium sized saucepan with lid
  • kitchen scissors
  • measuring cups
  • potato masher
  • serving dish or storage jar with lid
Now we are ready to begin!

Cranberry and Dried Cherry (with a jigger of gin!) Sauce
by the seat of my pants!

1 pound fresh or frozen cranberries
1/2 c dried cherries
3/4 c sugar
dash of salt
1/2 c water
1 jigger of gin

Using kitchen scissors, cut the cherries in half and place in the medium sized saucepan. 

Add the remaining ingredients, bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium, cover with the lid and simmer 10-15 minutes. 

If the cranberries do not "pop" after 15 minutes, use a potato masher to break apart the berries and create a sauce

Let cool briefly, then transfer to a serving bowl of storage jar, and refrigerate until serving time.

Storage options for Cranberry and Dried Cherry (with a jigger of gin!) Sauce. Store in the refrigerator for up to a week. You may freeze the sauce for longer storage, let thaw in the refrigerator. 

UPDATE:  For your convenience, a "copy and paste" version of Cranberry and Dried Cherry (with a jigger of gin!) Sauce has been included below.
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Printable "copy and paste" version:

Cranberry and Dried Cherry (with a jigger of gin!) Sauce
by the seat of my pants!

1 pound fresh or frozen cranberries
1/2 c dried cherries
3/4 c sugar
dash of salt
1/2 c water
1 jigger of gin

Using kitchen scissors, cut the cherries in half and place in the medium sized saucepan. 

Add the remaining ingredients, bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium, cover with the lid and simmer 10-15 minutes. 

If the cranberries do not "pop" after 15 minutes, use a potato masher to break apart the berries and create a sauce

Let cool briefly, then transfer to a serving bowl of storage jar, and refrigerate until serving time.

Storage options for Cranberry and Dried Cherry (with a jigger of gin!) Sauce. Store in the refrigerator for up to a week. You may freeze the sauce for longer storage, let thaw in the refrigerator. 


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  1. It's Judee from Gluten Free A-Z Blog (http// I absolutely love the sound of this recipe. I love fresh cranberries too and enjoy them even when it's not Thanksgiving. I forget why you move around to different areas, but your lifestyle sounds exciting.

    1. Judee, I waited until after Thanksgiving to share this recipe, because it is so good, it would be a shame to only make it for turkey day. Thanks so much for stopping by, I appreciate it!

  2. I love cranberries and make homemade sauce every year. I never thought of adding gin or dried cherries. Must give it a try.

    1. This has become my favorite sauce to enjoy! I enjoy the rich flavor of all the ingredients.

  3. There is a very limited window to buy cranberries here. In fact, I saw some in the supermarket the other day and was really surprised to see them at all!

    1. It is always interesting to hear about the food differences from country to country. Cranberries have been a favorite since our time on the peninsula and the cranberry harvest was right in my own little town.

  4. Saving some of these recipes. I'm going to pick cranberries in the bogs this saturday for the first time! I'll have a lot of cranberries! Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thank you Helen! Enjoy the picking adventure and the sauce.

  5. I know your kitchen must have a heavenly aroma when you are preparing this sauce!!

  6. This recipe looks delicious on the screen, I can only imagine how wonderful it would be in person. I've put it on my list of recipes to try - thank you :)

    1. Hello Anonymous, sorry for the late reply! I hope you enjoy this sauce as much as I do, and thank you for stopping by, I sure appreciate it!


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