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Monday, May 13, 2024

Maple and Butter Baked Apples, a slow cooker recipe

Maple and Butter Baked Apples, a delicious slow cooker recipe. Perfect for warm days or busy days, but now there is no reason not to make a delicious dessert the family will love! Who knew three little ingredients would come together so deliciously?

Some times the easiest and most delicious recipes start out as a kitchen error...

Which usually means it is pretty easy to solve, but let me back up a thought or two. We grocery shop about every ten days. Our little kitchen in our caravan has a small refrigerator and as back up we have a small standard refrigerator in the shop for extra milk, eggs, and fresh produce. Including organic apples, which we eat a lot of. 

Sometimes when we get home from the market I do not take the time to make sure that the any produce still in the shop fridge, goes into the caravan so we can use it up. Not the best practice, but it happens. Maybe a goat was loose when I got home or it was raining so hard, I simply skipped that step...

I think you already know what I am about to say...

Apparently I had bought more apples than I had remembered, because when I went to put groceries away from our last trip to the market, I found a left behind bag of apples from the trip before. They looked great, but I have to be honest, when I got it washed, dried, cut in half, cored, then into eight wedges, it was lacking in the crunch department. Now what? Well, what turned out to be really simple. With adjusting to the heat we have here in East Texas, I have been wanting needing to develop more slow cooker recipes, and now seemed like the perfect time!  

Butter, Maple Syrup and Apples are a delicious trio.

When ever possible I like to make desserts with no refined sugar. Especially fruit or dairy based desserts. Often when I start out to develop a new recipe, I have no idea if my idea will turn out as I envisioned it, or not. So when it does, yes I am pleased and happy to write it up and share it! 

You can adjust the amount of maple syrup used depending upon how sweet your apples are. Plus using the smaller amount this would make a great brunch dish...But I won't lie, when I make a dessert I do want the sweetness to be part of the enjoyment of eating dessert. And whipped cream is optional, but can here be enough whipped cream in one's life time? And depending upon the size of the apples you have, you may use four to six, but do fill the bottom of the slow cooker pan. 

Ingredients needed for this recipe:
  • apples
  • butter
  • maple syrup
You will also need the following:
  • large slow cooker
  • cutting board
  • kitchen knife
  • measuring sups
  • measuring spoons
Now we are ready to begin!

Maple and Butter Baked Apples
by the seat of my pants

4 - 6 apples
1/4 - 1/3 c maple syrup
1 T butter

Wash dry and cut the apples in half, lengthwise. Carefully cut out the core and any blossom and stem ends parts, as needed. 

Drop the butter in the bottom of the slow cooker, swirl the maple syrup over the bottom. Place the apples halves, cut side down. Cover with the lid, and cook for 1 hour on high heat. 

Carefully turn the apples over, and cook for an additional hour. Remove the lid, taking care not to drip the steam from the lid over the apples. (You won't hurt the apples, but you will dilute the delicious sauce!)

Serve warm or remove from the slow cooker and chill. 

Serve two halves if using small apples adding a bit of whipped cream. 

Storage options for Maple and Butter Baked Apples. Store covered in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. I do not recommend freezing this dish. 

UPDATE:  For your convenience, a "copy and paste" version of Maple and Butter Baked Apples has been included below. 

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This recipe featured at: 
Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household featured at Homestead Blog Hop.
Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household featured at Homestead Blog Hop. 

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You may also enjoy, Creative writing from the heart... stories of life, living, and family.

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Printable "copy and paste" version:

Maple and Butter Baked Apples
by the seat of my pants

4 - 6 apples
1/4 - 1/3 c maple syrup
1 T butter

Wash dry and cut the apples in half, lengthwise. Carefully cut out the core and any blossom and stem ends parts, as needed. 

Drop the butter in the bottom of the slow cooker, swirl the maple syrup over the bottom. Place the apples halves, cut side down. Cover with the lid, and cook for 1 hour on high heat. 

Carefully turn the apples over, and cook for an additional hour. Remove the lid, taking care not to drip the steam from the lid over the apples. (You won't hurt the apples, but you will dilute the delicious sauce!)

Serve warm or remove from the slow cooker and chill. Serve two halves if using small apples adding a bit of whipped cream. 

Storage options for Maple and Butter Baked Apples. Store covered in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. I do not recommend freezing this dish. 


Would you like to comment?

  1. These apples look delicious and have so many applications. I would be happy to eat them with yoghurt as well.

    1. HRK, absolutely! Thanks for stopping by, I sure appreciate it.

  2. It's been years since I have had a baked apple. But this recipe sounds delicious!

    1. Reidland Family, these turn out tender, including the skin. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did, they will be on repeat around here...

  3. Perfect for a comforting dessert or a sweet treat any time. Thank you for sharing and for joining Fiesta Friday Party! We hope to see you again.

    1. Jhuls, thank you! These will be on repeat, they are easy, delicious and don't require an oven!

  4. Yum! These look great! Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party. Hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend!

    1. Helen, thank you. I love simple whole foods desserts! Thanks for dropping by, and hosting such a great link up!

  5. Melynda, you had me at maple. LOL! This sounds amazing.
    Thanks so much for sharing with Sweet Tea & Friend's May Link Up dear friend.

    1. Paula, thank you and thanks so much for hosting Sweet Tea and Friends!


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