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Friday, August 9, 2024

Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot 08.09.2024

Welcome to another great weekend, and what better way to enjoy it in full, than with a visit to Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot! What makes this link-up special is that we encourage you to link up not only your current posts and good ideas, but also the great stuff in your archives! 

Yes, that's right, we love your new posts, but older posts are not only encouraged, they are appreciated! So don't hold back, share, share and share some more!

Wait, did I hear that correctly?

Huh?, did you say, older posts are welcome too? Yep, we sure did. And UNLIMIED sharing as well. So let's give those older (and STILL really great!) posts some recognition and respect. Because let's be honest, last month's or even last year's creative work is still great work, simply buried in the we encourage you bring them out and share them all right here! 

At each Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot, we look forward to seeing all your great projects, ideas, recipes, crafts and any other family friendly blog posts you wish to share.

Bring them all on, because, the more the merrier! 

Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot is currently shared over three FOUR blogs: Let us introduce ourselves! We all offer a different perspective on life and hope you enjoy not only this link-up, but all that you find here!

We would love to have additional Co-Hosts to share in the creativity and fun! If you think this would be a good fit for you and you like having fun (come on, who doesn't!) while still being creative, drop one of us an email and someone will get back with you!

I invite you to follow our hosts on their individual blogs or any of the social media pages you visit, making it easy to keep up to date with every happening! And there are many...

If you would like to know why we are building a tiny house homesite here in East Texas, you can read about it here...and now that we are settled in a bit more, we have a made a photo tour of our 5thwheel home. If you would like to see how we fit it all in, cooking, gardening, homesteading and having a bit of fun from time to time!

From time to time I write about it all, the good, the bad, and all the other stuff from years ago, if you have any interest you could take a gander here

In case you missed them, here are two of our favorite recipes that we enjoy from Scratch Made Food & DIY Homemade Household

And now, let's take a look at the most viewed post, along with posts that caught my eye, from last week's Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot!

Most viewed: 

Yes another 3 way tie!

Forgotten Thrifted Tablescape @thriftingwonderland

Estate Sale Find @thriftingwonderland

Thrifted Bottle Finds @thriftingwonderland

And these three that caught my eye!:

This week's small pleasures @ thistlesandkiwis

Boise Art Museum @adventuresinwesland

And now on to the Link-up! THANKS to all that share and visit, because Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot wouldn't work without you! 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

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  1. Melynda,
    I hope you enjoy your weekend!!
    My Link Ups for this week are #26, 27 and 28!
    Thanks so much for hosting!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    1. Debbie, thanks for sharing with WTJR, we appreciate it! Have a great week ahead and we hope to see you again next week.

  2. Happy Friday, Melynda! Thanks to you and your cohosts for providing this Friday link up for us all - one of our favorites! We're sharing three posts today - #29, #30 and #31. Have a great weekend!

    1. Laura, thanks for sharing with WTJR, we appreciate it! Have a great week ahead and we hope to see you again next week.

  3. Thank you, Melynda, for hosting weekly! Great party as always.
    My entries this week are numbered #41+42

    1. Esme, thanks for sharing with WTJR, we appreciate it! Have a great week ahead and we hope to see you again next week.

  4. Melynda, Thank you so much to you and your cohosts for all you do for the "Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot" link party each week. I love stopping by to check out the many great ideas, and to share my post also. Thank you so much!- Patty

    1. Patty you are so welcome, and thank you for joining us!


Comments always appreciated, at Scratch Made Food! Please be aware comments with sales links will be deleted. Thank you for stopping by!