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Wednesday, September 14, 2022

One Bowl Banana Snack Cake

Who needs an easy-to-make, One Bowl Banana Snack Cake that uses up the last two soft speckled brown sweet bananas in the fruit bowl, that have been left behind day after day? The answer is that we all do! 

Bananas are a bit like avocados, in that... 

They can go from that perfectly sweet treat you looked forward to enjoying, to brown, spotty, and too soft, in a day. At this point, I have been known to throw them in the freezer until there are enough to bake with or in truth, because, I have other work to do and baking is not on the list. They keep there quite well in the freezer for 30 days or more, allowing you time to get them baked up into something everyone will enjoy. 

In my kitchen, ripe for eating is not the same as ripe for baking with...

You may recall that I have issues with a too-sweet banana for fresh eating. This led me to devise a storage method for keeping bananas from over-ripening after bringing them home from the market. If you too have a bias toward them preferred sweetness of fresh bananas, you may want to take a look at the controlled ripening method we use here! If on the other hand, you keep your bananas in the fruit bowl and from time to time have over-ripe bananas that are ready for baking, you are in the right spot! 

With all those very ripe sweet bananas, I developed a lot of recipes!

Before storing bananas in the fridge, the one thing I had become quite good at was developing banana recipes to use up the ripe bananas that had become past fresh eating, for me. But I have to say that when my hubby did not want his morning banana, it was in fact when they had gotten a touch past ripe. It turns out that through the years I came up with many delicious ways to use bananas. Also because I also hate food waste...if for no other reason the high cost of food! 

But let's talk about this One Bowl Banana Snack Cake.

I am presenting it, as is straight from recipe development on baking day, to you. And it is so good! When that happy mix of frugality and delicious food come together, it has been a good kitchen day for sure. But do feel free to sprinkle chopped nuts or chocolate chips over the top of the batter before baking for a different flavor combination to enjoy, from time to time! So if you need a quick after-school snack or dessert for the family, it really doesn't get easier than this...I promise!

Ingredients needed for this recipe:
  • bananas
  • sugar 
  • oil
  • egg
  • Whole Wheat Self-Rising Flour, our recipe found here
You will also need the following:
  • 9-inch pan
  • medium mixing bowl
  • measuring cups
  • silicone spatula
  • fork
  • mixing spoon 
Now we are ready to begin!

One Bowl Banana Snack Cake
by the seat of my pants!
350-degree oven
UPDATED: 09.14.2022

2 very ripe bananas, peeled

3/4 c sugar
1/4 c oil
1 egg

1 1/2 c Whole Wheat Self-Rising Flour, our recipe found here

Place bananas in the bottom of a medium mixing bowl, mash well using the fork then add sugar, oil, and the egg. 

Whisk together until the mixture has no streaks of separate ingredients and looks uniform in color. 

Mix in the Whole Wheat Self-Rising Flour, once mixed in, continue to mix for 25 strokes. Yes, I do count the strokes, it is easy to under mix and over mix.

Scrape the batter into a prepared 9-inch square baking pan, bake for 22 to 25 minutes, or until the cake tests "done" in your oven. 

Let cool, and cut into squares to serve.

Storage options for One bowl Banana Snack Cake. Store covered for up to three days right on the kitchen counter. It will most likely be gone by the end of the third day...

UPDATE:  For your convenience, a "copy and paste" version of One Bowl Banana Snack Cake has been included below.
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You may also enjoy, Creative writing from the heart... stories of life, living, and family.

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Printable "copy and paste" version:

One Bowl Banana Snack Cake
by the seat of my pants!
350-degree oven
UPDATED: 09.14.2022

2 very ripe bananas, peeled

3/4 c sugar
1/4 c oil
1 egg

1 1/2 c Whole Wheat Self-Rising Flour, our recipe found here

Place bananas in the bottom of a medium mixing bowl, mash well using the fork then add sugar, oil, and the egg. 

Whisk together until the mixture has no streaks of separate ingredients and looks uniform in color. 

Mix in the Whole Wheat Self-Rising Flour, once mixed in, continue to mix for 25 strokes. Yes, I do count the strokes, it is easy to under mix and over mix.

Scrape the batter into a prepared 9-inch square baking pan, bake for 22 to 25 minutes, or until the cake tests "done" in your oven. 

Let cool, and cut into squares to serve.


Would you like to comment?

  1. Your Banana Snack Cake looks so moist and delicious, we will really enjoy it! Hope you are having a great week and thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday,476.
    Miz Helen

  2. Looks tasty! Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 10, open March 1 to 26. All entries shared on social media if share buttons installed.

  3. Visiting again to say thanks so much for linking up at the Unlimited Link Party 82. Shared.

  4. Thanks for the banana preservation tip!

    1. Michele, you are welcome! It sure has saved a lot of overripe bananas around here.

  5. This looks really good! Do you think regular flour (not whole wheat) would work? I want to make this, but I only have gluten-free all purpose flour. Thanks for sharing it at the TFT party!

    1. Pam, if you G F all purpose is a cup for cup swap, I do not see why not. I have swapped whole wheat for all purpose in all my favorite recipes. I have noticed that there are small texture differences any time a swap is made, but none that ruin a recipe. Thanks for stopping by!


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