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Thursday, February 6, 2025

Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot 02.07.2025

Welcome to another great weekend! And what better way to enjoy it, in full, than with a visit to Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot

What makes this link-up special is that we encourage you to link up not only your current posts and good ideas, but also the great stuff in your archives! Yes, let's all show some love for those great posts resting in the archives...

Yes, that's right, we love all your new posts, but older posts are not only encouraged, they are appreciated! So don't hold back, share, share and share some more!

Wait, did I hear that correctly? Yes you did...

Huh?, did you say, older posts are welcome too? Yep, we sure did. And UNLIMIED sharing as well. So let's give those older (and STILL really great!) posts some recognition and respect. Because let's be honest, last month's or even last year's creative work is still great work, simply buried in the archives...and why we encourage you bring them out and share them all right here! 

At each Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot, we look forward to seeing all your great projects, ideas, recipes, crafts and any other family friendly blog posts you wish to share.

Bring them all on, because, in our opinion, the more the merrier! 

Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot is currently shared over three FOUR blogs: 

Let us introduce ourselves! We each offer a different perspective on life and hope you enjoy not only this link-up, but all that you may find, on each of our personal blogs!

Melynda@ Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household - Our name says it all! Scratch cooking and baking while living on a three generation homestead in East Texas. In my spare time I garden, chase chickens, spend as much time as possible with my grandson, and knit. Life is good!

Marsha@ Marsha in the Middle - Marsha started blogging in 2021 as an exercise in increasing her neuroplasticity.  Oh, who are we kidding?  Marsha started blogging because she loves clothes, and she loves to talk or, in this case, write!  You can find her on her blog, Marsha in the Middle.  

Lisa@ Boondock Ramblings - Lisa shares about the fiction she writes and reads, her faith, homeschooling, photography and much more on her blog, Boondock Ramblings. 

Sue@ Women Living Well After 50. - Sue started blogging in 2015 and writes about living an active and healthy lifestyle, fashion, book reviews and her podcast and enjoying life as a woman over 50. She invites you to join her living life in full bloom. 

I invite you to follow our hosts on their individual blogs or any of the social media pages you visit, making it easy to keep up to date with just about every little thing! And there are many...we tend to be a busy group. 

And our new feature, that I am most excited about! As promised, we have rebooted the reboot!

We added a new feature here at Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot!  we will be featuring a different blogger each week! We invite you to stop by their blog, take a look around and say hello! 

This week we are featuring, 

Do stop and say hello to Jacqui on her blog Mummabstylish, and don't miss her about page. She has perfected fashion for the busy, active woman who still loves to dress appropriately, while enjoying all the colors and styles that warm the heart and put a smile on your face. Why, because we can...there really are no rules. 

We would love to have additional Co-Hosts to share in the creativity and the fun! If you think this would be a good fit for you and you like having fun (come on now, who doesn't?!) while still being creative, drop one of us an email and someone will get back with you!

And now back to our regularly scheduled Reboot!

What's happening at our house?

We have had increased warming around here! And before you think this a weather update, trust me, there is a lot more. Today I sifted the compost bins to add a rich top soil to the garden beds. I added back into the compost bin, all the large debris that was left over after sifting, and topped it off with our own home grown chicken poop! 

This first year did not produce much compost, but honestly more than I though I would get! Next year will be better. I hope to get some seeds planted in the garden and together we hope to get more wild flower seeds out for our bird and bug visitors! Each of the four blueberry bushes has just one leaf left, I am pretty sure leaf buds are forming, because the strawberry plant is flowering and fruiting. 

Oh and the most exciting news, our youngest hens are beginning to lay eggs...

So why did my husband and I put together a tiny house homestead here in East Texas? 

Turns out, it is a bit of an interesting story, you can read about it here if you like...and now that we are settled in, we have a made a photo tour of our 5thwheel tiny home. You really must be organized to fit it all in, cooking, gardening, homesteading and also a bit of fun from time to time!

And from time to time when inspiration strikes, I write about it all. The good, the bad, and all the other stuff from years ago, if you have an interest in creative thoughts down on could take a gander here. And...

I try each day to get out and take a moment for myself to observe and see the daily changes taking place on our property. These moments taken have helped me find small repairs needing done as well as a rose that might have just bloomed. I decided to photograph these findings for enjoyment yes, but also to observe the land around me. Welcome to our Homestead...

In case you missed them, here are two of our favorite recipes that we enjoy from Scratch Made Food & DIY Homemade Household

And these three FOUR that caught my eye!:

We are sharing information about burgundy color combos,  a butterfly trail, the Alberta Arts area in Portland Or, and how a single purchase sparked a kitchen overhaul...

And now on to the Link-up! THANK You to all that share and visit, we appreciate it very much because Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot wouldn't work or be as much fun, without you! 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

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  1. Happy Friday Melynda and ladies! Thanks so much for hosting and warm hospitality each week.
    I'm sitting at #36 this week.

    1. Paula, thank you for joining us at Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot, I know we all appreciate it!

  2. Thanks so much for cohosting this party each week, Melynda! We're sharing #44 and #45 today. Happy Friday and Happy Weekend ahead!

    1. Laura, thanks for joining us each week! WTJR works because of all who come to share, I appreciate your dropping by and sharing your wonderful posts!

  3. Dear Melynda, thanks for hosting. Enjoy your weekend
    My entries this week #46+47

    1. Esme, thanks so much for coming here to share! I know we all appreciate it!

  4. Oh I loved those butterfly trail photos too!

  5. You have some wonderful recipes on your site that I can't wait to try. Thanks so much for hosting the link party. A really appreciate the feature for the kitchen makeover. I now have such efficient storage. It's great to see. Have a lovely week.
    Lynne, Thrifting Wonderland

    1. Lynn, thank you for your kind words, and thanks so much for stopping by, and joining us for WTJR!


Comments always appreciated, at Scratch Made Food! Please be aware comments with sales links will be deleted. Thank you for stopping by!