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Friday, January 26, 2024

Onion Gratin, sweet tender onion slices under a Parmesan crust!

Do you ever find yourself with a sparse variety of fresh vegetables before the next grocery trip? That was the inspiration for this Onion Grain. And as it turned out, we absolutely loved it! So much so that when our larder is full, we still make this delicious vegetable side dish...

Eating more vegetables has actually been an easy-to-reach goal! 

But honestly, eating vegetables regularly was not always the case for our household. Vegetables were (notice I wrote were?!) often the last recipe to capture my imagination and creativity. For many years I hosted a large family dinner on the last Sunday of each month. No matter how busy we all were, that family dinner was how we stayed in touch and kept up to date on all the wonderful (and sometimes not so wonderful...) changes in the family.

When I sat down to plan the menu, out of habit, I always started with desserts. Notice I did not say dessert, I said desserts...yikes. Many times I would make three desserts to offer, so there would be something for everyone to enjoy. But sadly, vegetables did not receive the same attention. After spending hours pouring over new recipes to make, I would throw in a tossed salad, so I could feel good about the well-rounded selection of new recipes I was going to offer the family that Sunday for our monthly dinner...

Then one day I realized that desserts were not really my favorite part of the meal. 

With that understanding, I began a shift in thinking and began to focus more on vegetables for a very important reason. Not only did I need better nutrition for my own health, but I wanted to show the grandchildren and others around the table that eating well included eating vegetables. I didn't make any announcements or demands, I just cut back on dessert and included more vegetables for dinner. I would like to say it happened "just like that"! But, I am not able to say that. What I can say is that while it didn't happen overnight, it did happen. And more vegetables has remained a focus and on our table as well.

Now our dinners include vegetables prepared in many different ways, both cooked and raw. Vegetable dishes and salads that are worthy of being at the center of the table. Vegetables that everyone wants to eat! So now I start with vegetables in season and/or from our freezer when planning all meals, and not just those shared Sunday dinners! You might be asking, do we have a dessert on Sunday? Usually, but we always have vegetables! And we all leave the table satisfied!

Some thoughts on this recipe:

The onions in this Onion Gratin can be cooked up crisp-tender or soft tender as your family prefers. Simply check the note at the bottom of the recipe for the alternative cooking suggestion. 

We prefer to ring out the onion slices when slicing large onions, but for smaller onions, leaving the slices intact may be the easier way to go.

And use a heavy hand when shaking out the Parmesan Cheese! You won't be sorry...

Ingredients needed for this dish:
  • onions
  • olive oil
  • dry bread crumbs
  • Parmesan cheese
  • salt 
  • pepper
You will also need:
  • paring knife
  • chef's knife
  • cutting board
  • gratin pan with a lid 
  • or a rectangular baking pan 
  • foil 
Now we are ready to begin!

Onion Gratin
By the seat of my pants
400-degree oven
UPDATED: 01.27.2024

2 or 3 large onions
olive oil
1/2 - 3/4 c dry bread crumbs 
Parmesan cheese (yep, we use that green can of cheese!)
salt and pepper

Cover the bottom of a large lidded pan with a thin layer of olive oil and set aside. 

Peel the onions, slice them into 1/2 inch slices. Leave intact, or ring out, as desired. 

Add the prepared onions to the pan. Season with salt and pepper. 

Sprinkle with a layer of dry bread crumbs, then the Parmesan cheese. 

Bake covered for 20 minutes, remove the cover and bake an additional 20-30 minutes or until golden and bubbling.

Note:  The above method produces a crisp-tender onion gratin. If you prefer tender fully cooked onions, bake for 30 minutes covered, BEFORE adding the dry bread crumbs and cheese, and proceed as the recipe indicates. 

Storage options for Onion Gratin. Store leftovers covered for up to three days in the refrigerator. I do not recommend freezing this dish. 

UPDATE:  For your convenience, a "copy and paste" version of Onion Gratin has been included below. 

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Printable "copy and paste" version:

Onion Gratin
By the seat of my pants
400-degree oven
UPDATED: 01.27.2024

2 or 3 onions
olive oil
1/2 - 3/4 c dry bread crumbs 
Parmesan cheese (yep, we use the green can of cheese!)
salt and pepper

Cover the bottom of a large lidded pan with a thin layer of olive oil and set aside. 

Peel the onions, slice them into 1/2 inch slices. Leave intact, or ring out as desired. 

Add the prepared onions to the pan. Season with salt and pepper. 

Sprinkle with a layer of dry bread crumbs, then the Parmesan cheese. 

Bake covered for 20 minutes, remove the cover and bake an additional 20-30 minutes or until golden and bubbling.

Note:  The above method produces a crisp-tender onion gratin. If you prefer tender fully cooked onions, bake for 30 minutes covered, BEFORE adding the dry bread crumbs and cheese, and proceed as the recipe indicates. 

Storage options for Onion Gratin. Store leftovers covered for up to three days in the refrigerator. I do not recommend freezing this dish. 


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  1. Looks and sounds delicious to me! A great use of onions that sounds easy too! thanks!

    1. Thanks Pam! Onions are a favorite around here, and this goes with so many main courses.

  2. This is a very interesting idea for me- we are big vegetables fans, but I guess I always use onions as backup veggie never the main focus. Love the idea.. thanks

    1. You're right, onions are not usually the main focus, but this dish changes that! Thanks for visiting.

  3. My husband loves onions! I like them. This is a great way to highlight a veggie that is usually in a supporting role.

    1. They cook up soft and naturally sweet. Onions are so healthy it is a shame they don't take center stage more often.

  4. This sound so good! I must confess vegies are side dishes for us not the main event!

  5. It's great to hear that you've discovered how great veggies can be! Having been vegetarian for over 25 years before becoming vegan over 4 years ago, vegetables have always been the star of the show for me! If you want more veggie ideas, my blog has loads! I love this onion dish - what a great idea to put breadcrumbs on it, we often make a crumble topping or use crushed crisps or tortilla chips but we haven't done breadcrumbs so thanks for the idea! Thanks for bringing this over to Fiesta Friday this week.

  6. I hated onions as a child, but once I started cooking as an adult (and discovered sweet Valdalia onions), I stopped omitting them from my recipes. This recipe sounds wonderful. Thanks!

    1. Valdalia or Walla Walla Sweets would be good here, thanks for the idea.

  7. Looks like a yummy side dish! You are right, there are always onions around. Good idea!

    1. It is also nice to serve as a second vegetable side dish for those that really love onions! thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it!

  8. I love onions, and I love gratin! Win win!! Thanks for this recipe, I hope to try it out soon. :-)

  9. Your Onion Gratin sounds like a great side dish! Hope you are having a great week. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday and come back to see us real soon!
    Miz Helen

  10. YUM, sounds good. I love onions!! Thanks so much for linking up with me at #AThemedLinkup 33 for Thanksgiving Recipes.

  11. I love onions, especially cooked ones. I never thought to include them as vegetables. I mean I add them but didn't think to chalk them up in the veggie column. Thanks for the idea. I'd love for you to come share some of your recipes or other posts on my new link party Crafty Creators, open Thurs-Mon each week at You can also link up on Happiness is Homemade (Sun-Thurs) while you're there.
    Hope to see you there!
    Niki ~ Life as a LEO Wife

  12. This sounds delicious and easy! I can't wait to give it a try. Coming to you from Grammy's Grid linkup.

  13. Visiting again to say thanks so much for linking up at the 25 and Done Link Party 12! 25 entries in 25 hours!! Shared on Fb, Pn, and Tw.

  14. Visiting again to say thanks so much for linking up at the Unlimited Link Party 73. Pinned.

  15. I've never made an onion gratin, I'm going to try this recipe.

    1. The onion slices sweeten up nicely, and the crumb crust isn't bad either! Thanks for stopping by!

  16. It's hard to find a good recipe that stars the onion - this is it!! Pinned! Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party! Hope your week is awesome.

  17. Thanks so much for sharing your awesome post with us at Full Plate Thursday, 578. Hope you have a great week and come back to see us real soon!
    Miz Helen

  18. Thank you for this looks like a simple and delicious side dish. Bernadette,

    1. Bernadette, the onions are sweet and tender, it is quite delicious especially when served with a roasted meat main dish. Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.

  19. I never tried this, but you just convinced me to do make it, it looks great! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Hi Food Nutters, onions are so healthy as a food, I am always on the lookout for new recipes and this turned out so delicious. Thanks for stopping by,

  20. Parmesan on anything, the very best.

  21. Esme, this is so simple, yet so enjoyable. And yes, the Parmesan is perfect. Thank you for stopping by!


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