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Friday, August 30, 2024

Cucumbers, from the garden.

Cucumbers have never really been my favorite food, until now. I don't remember them being served too often when I was a kid either. More like an after thought. When something more was needed on the table for dinner, so, how about a bowl of sliced cucumbers? As a kid, I actually thought they were boring. But...

I am here to tell you that cucumbers are so much more, than an after thought! This is the first time I have grown cucumbers. And man-o-mister did we have a crop! A crop that survived Tropical Storm Beryl. A crop that came from a 25 cent package of seeds from the Dollar Tree of all places...a crop that I have used in new recipes, in our favorite recipes, and even used to grow more cucumbers! Come and take a look...

Before Tropical Storm Beryl...

Next year I want to plant two both regular and pickling cucumbers. But this year I made everything I could from the cucumbers that came off that sad looking mangled vine! And I will continue to remake our favorites from this first year of gardening. As well as get in a few more jars of relish. Generally for canning, I do not let the rebel in me come out to play, I stay with tried and true canning recipes, for safety. But for everything else, beware, because the rebel is loose! Come and take a look at what we have been enjoying...

After Tropical Storm Beryl... 

Let's look at New Recipes Tried:

We have made this Creamy Cucumber Salad with Pickled Onions, about six times. I actually have another dish of cucumbers relaxing in some salt right now to stir up another batch of this salad to enjoy tomorrow!

I made Naturally Fermented Pickles two ways, whole and spears. I thought the spears would not be as crispy, but happily I can say, I was wrong. Spears is the way to go with slightly larger cukes. These were so much fun to make, they reminded me of when my Dad would have a large crock of pickles fermenting in the corner of the kitchen when I was a little girl. 

I have to admit, Cold Cucumber Soup was a total taste surprise! It is refreshing, delicious and great as a beverage with your meal. And, I wasn't wowed by the recipe when I decided to make it. But I was looking for a new way to use cucumbers, and this did not disappoint! Through the years I have come to enjoy hot soups that you can sip from a mug. Never in a million years thinking that I would enjoy a cold soup from a glass, but not only did we enjoy this, it has been made a few times, and probably will again before the cucumbers give out for the season!

And I made this batch of Sweet Pickle Relish using this recipe! Most sweet pickle relish recipes are basically the same (shelf stable for long term storage), with the usual high ratio of vinegar for safety, and I can't wait to try this on an organic all beef hot dog right off the grill on a soft bun! 

AND, I hope to get a recipe of dill relish accomplished as well. If I am successful, I will come back and update...

And lastly, I made Dried Cucumber Chips! These were flavored with vinegar and salt, and while this is not yet a recipe, I did want to include my effort to use as many cucumbers in different ways, that I did. I can tell you this, dried vegetable chips should be a snack in every home, and now that I have made them, hopefully I know what I need to do to make them blog worthy, recipe coming soon...our high humidity levels are the bane of crispy snacks. 

Let's look at this Updated Family Favorite:

This is the only recipe at Scratch Made Food! calling for cucumbers as the main ingredient. Grandma's Two Day Sweet Pickle Slices, this all time favorite was updated to include directions to use fresh from the garden cucumbers! Always before, this recipe was made with organic English Cucumbers form the market...

And this! 

My own personal food philosophy is to "cook with what you have."  Which I practice, and not just preach...because often it is easier to run to the store. But when we challenge ourselves in the kitchen, it shows our families that we care enough to make the very best for them. And it's not bad for the cook either! With that added sense of accomplishment. As we master creativity along with a controlled hand over waste, and the quality of food we serve our loved ones. 


Mary's Potato Salad, is my mom's recipe for the potato salad of my childhood. It  was recently made with our homemade dill pickles, homemade sweet pickles and homemade mayonnaise! As you can imagine, that was a lot of fun in the Caravan kitchen!  

And New from Old:

Some of the cucumbers over ripen on the original plant. Especially after the trellis had to be removed, they had really good hiding places, with all the leaves! As they turned bright yellow, looking more like skinny melons, I usually tossed them to the chickens or the compost. One however I cut in half lengthwise and again crosswise, creating 4 pieces. 

Some of the seeds in each piece had begun to harden, so I carefully scooped out the seeds from each piece and planted them, to see if any would grown into cucumber plants. At the same time, I also began saving the mature seeds to dry for future use. To my surprise, two of the four hills are growing! Lucky for all of us, our cucumber eating journey will continue through fall and into the first frost...

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Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household featured at Funtastic Friday Link-up and Blog Hop.
Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household featured at Funtastic Friday Link-up and Blog Hop. 

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  1. Ooh.. chips! That's a great idea. I did try making pickles and relish (so far my pickles were a huge hit and we're having the relish tonight), cucumber salad, and cucumber dressing.

    1. Joanne, they were delicious but in our humid climate, that will be something made and eaten ASAP, the crisp left quickly. I am hoping it lasts longer on a thicker slice...

  2. How wonderful that you have so many! I am not a great fan of cucumbers on their own but I do like cucumber salad (I will try your recipe) and I am a great fan of potato salad with pickles. Yum!

    1. Like you cucumbers were not a favorite, but I have to admit it is more fun to dry new recipes when you pick the produce from your own garden...

  3. I've never had much luck growing cucumbers but I do make a couple of pickled things with them. The cucumber chips look interesting. I want to give those a try.

    1. Jeff, I want to work on that one as well. They were tasty but I sliced them to thin for our humidity (I think, thicker slices may also soften) however they would also be easy to get into the food dryer to be served the next day, quite easily. Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.

  4. Until I read this post I didn't realize there's a special kind of salt called pickling salt. I'll have to keep on the lookout for that before I start my pickled cucumber project.

    1. Nancy, it is pure salt, with no anti-caking agents, or added iodine. Those ingredients can and do get in the way. Pure sea salt can also be used. Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.

  5. My neighbor makes pickles like the one you shared with Grandma's Pickle Slice recipe and shares them with us every year. My kids love them and it's all we can do to keep them for even one night. Love all these ideas and I really want to try a couple of these.

    1. Lisa, I love taking time consuming recipes and streamlining them! I make these several times a year, and now when we have cucumbers, they will come from our own land. Thanks so much for stopping by, I appreciate it!


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