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Monday, February 1, 2021

Red Beans with Garlic and Red Wine

A few simple pantry ingredients quickly combine to make Red Beans with Garlic and Red Wine. Perfect with rice as the main course, or serve these red wine-infused beans as a side dish that everyone will love!

Cook a pot of beans weekly!

I am working hard to get back to cooking a pot of beans, each week. I do give myself quite a bit of leeway, in that cooking strategy. For instance, one week it could be a pot of split pea soup, the next a pan of pintos for refried beans. Or maybe a kettle of White Bean Soup with Cilantro Broth. Or it could be this lovely crockpot of Red Beans with Garlic and Red Wine! The perfect bowl of beans to serve with brown rice for a delicious meal, any time. 

We do better around here giving our beans a 24-hour soak. That lazy stay in the water helps eliminate some of the magic musical action that often happens when bean eating has been a part of dinner! I know many do not soak, and if that works for you, wonderful. But you will find that the basic cooking is the same, soaked or not. And beans that have not been soaked might take a bit longer to cook, but that is an easy adjustment in cooking time. And if nothing else, cooking beans helps us know how to cook beans better the next time.

The red wine adds flavor but not a red wine flavor...

This recipe is unique in that you do not taste the red wine specifically, but it really adds a nice touch to the finished dish. So please, don't leave it out! This recipe is so easy, you can literally drain the beans, and have
Red Beans with Garlic and Red Wine cooking in under 10 minutes. Using dried onion pieces and granulated garlic is perfect for those mornings when you need to get dinner going on your way out the back door...

I usually like to cook a bean dish the day before I plan to serve it. Especially handy if it contains a shank bone for flavor. Once the beans are cooked, I remove the shank from the beans and refrigerate each separately. Once chilled I then remove the meat from the bone, discard the fat, and return the meat to the bean pot. Fortunately, beans are a breeze to reheat, and often the flavor is better the next day! 

Ingredients needed for this recipe:
  • red beans
  • dried minced onion
  • granulated garlic
  • bay leaves
  • ham shank
  • salt
  • fresh ground pepper
  • red wine
You will also need:
  • measuring cup
  • measuring spoon
  • strainer
  • crockpot
Now we are ready to begin!

Red Beans with Garlic and Red Wine
by the seat of my pants

1 pound red beans, soaked 24 hours if desired
1 ham shank
2 bay leaves
2 T dry minced onion
1 - 2 t granulated garlic 
2 t salt
fresh ground pepper
1 c red wine
6 cups water

Drain the beans, rinse well, draining again. Place the drained beans and the rest of the ingredients into a crockpot, cook on low for 8 to 12 hours. Serve as is or with rice. 

Festive Brown Rice
1 c brown rice
water and salt per the package directions
2 medium carrots, peeled and grated

Bring water and salt to a boil, add grated carrots and brown rice. Cook as package directs. Fluff gently with a fork, let rest covered for an additional 10 minutes. Scoop into a bowl, ladle beans around the rice.

Storage options for Red Beans with Garlic and Red Wine. Leftovers will keep three to four days in the refrigerator. And like most bean dishes, you may certainly freeze these beans! Thaw in the refrigerator before reheating. 

Storage options for Festive Brown Rice. Leftovers can be stored, covered in the refrigerator for two to three days. You may also freeze the rice, in a tightly covered storage container. Thaw in the refrigerator before reheating. 

UPDATE:  For your convenience, a "copy and paste" version of Red beans with Garlic and Red Wine has been included below. 

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Printable "copy and paste" version:

Red Beans with Garlic and Red Wine
by the seat of my pants

1 pound red beans, soaked 24 hours if desired
1 ham shank
2 bay leaves
2 T dry minced onion
1 - 2 t granulated garlic 
2 t salt
fresh ground pepper
1 c red wine
6 cups water

Drain the beans, rinse well, draining again. Place the drained beans and the rest of the ingredients into a crockpot, cook on low for 8 to 12 hours. Serve as is or with rice. 

Festive Brown Rice
1 c brown rice
water and salt per the package directions
2 medium carrots, peeled and grated

Bring water and salt to a boil, add grated carrots and brown rice. Cook as package directs. Fluff gently with a fork, let rest covered for an additional 10 minutes. Scoop into a bowl, ladle beans around the rice.

Storage options for Red Beans with Garlic and Red Wine. Leftovers will keep three to four days in the refrigerator. And like most bean dishes, you may certainly freeze these beans! Thaw in the refrigerator before reheating. 

Storage options for Festive Brown Rice. Leftovers can be stored, covered in the refrigerator for two to three days. You may also freeze the rice, in a tightly covered storage container. Thaw in the refrigerator before reheating. 


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  1. This sounds delicious! Thank you for sharing at Party In Your PJ's.


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