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Monday, August 5, 2024

Cold Cucumber Soup, refreshing and quite delicious!

Cold Cucumber Soup is not something I had on my list to make, until I found the monster sized cucumbers in the garden! Looking around for cucumber recipes was interesting, there are so many different recipes to consider. And I have to be perfectly honest, I was not sure of this one! But I am glad I made it, and so will you...

This is a refreshing soup, one you can serve in a couple of different ways. 

In a shallow china bowl and drizzle a bit of olive oil over the top and then add a fresh sprig of dill. OR simply pour into a glass and sip. I am a soup person, if I ate nothing else but soup and crusty whole wheat bread spread with butter for the rest of my life, I would still be a happy woman. But a cold soup? These had never really been on my radar. While I would enjoy seeing cold soups in recipe books and magazines, I never really took to them. I even tried a couple different recipes through the years, a cold potato soup along with a spicy tomato soup. I think at that point I put cold soups away into the done file!

But now I found myself here in Texas with this garden that I have worked hard to build and maintain. 

I can tell you, there is nothing like growing your own food to make you appreciate the work that goes into growing food! I have found that I no longer have a bag of produce in my fridge that I did not get around to using. Because each day is a "work in the garden day", and that is not meant as a complaint, it is what I chose to do and what brings me happiness. When I am watering at the end of the day, I feel a sense of accomplishment and I can't wait for the next harvest, no matter how small!

And then I found these monster sized cucumbers! 

They seem to have grown huge overnight, but that is not really the case. The cucumber plant has big leaves, and all the cucumbers are enjoying a nice rest in the shade of the leaves, quietly getting bigger each day until found and picked! But now what? And with that, the search was on for a recipe to try that would call for monster cucumbers, and I found one! And here is my thought process that I use to decide if a new recipe should be made. I figure the cost of the other ingredients called for in the recipe.  What? Yes, if the additional ingredients have a minimal cost, then I am happy to try a new recipe that may be a fail in my book....because let's be honest, the cucumber would have simply gone to the chickens had it not been turned into soup. 

This bright yellow cucumber resting down under the leaves. is being grown for next year's seeds!

And I can honestly say, make this soup

And while the soup is lovely in a china bowl as a first course, it is wonderful in a comfortable in your hands glass or mug, and the perfect soup to serve along side a sandwich for lunch or a light dinner. It is cold, best made ahead, and served as needed. The first time I made it, we tested it right away. I always ask my husband what he thinks of a new recipe. But honestly he is not a critical taster, the man likes almost everything! I on the other hand have much smaller defining ideas regarding texture, aftertaste, and overall appeal of a dish. And I can say, I think you will enjoy this soup! 

Today's pitcher of Cold Cucumber Soup will be a double batch, because this is also perfect to sit and sip and cool down after working in the garden... 

Additional thoughts on this recipe

You may use plain yogurt in place of the buttermilk if desired. 

I do not recommend substituting yogurt for the sour cream, you will want the added fat for a creamy texture. 

Change up Cold Cucumber Soup by using your favorite onion type, red, standard or even green onions!

This is a perfect (and not sweet) beverage for hydration in hot weather.

Cold Cucumber Soup.
Inspired by Simply Recipes

1 monster sized cucumber or 2 large cucumbers
1/2 c buttermilk
1/4 c sour cream 
2 T chopped onion
1 T rice vinegar or 2 t white wine vinegar
2 T fresh dill weed snipped or 2 t dried
1/2 t salt

olive oil for serving, if desired. 

Wash, dry and peel the cucumber, cut in half lengthwise and scoop out the seeds.

Cut into chunks and place in the blender cup, add remaining ingredients. 

Blend until smooth. Pour into a container with a lid (you will want to be able to shake this mixture before serving). 

Chill until serving time. 

To serve, shake and pour into mugs to sip from or for a more formal dining experience, into small soup bowls, drizzle with olive oil and additional fresh dill. 

Storage options for Cold Cucumber Soup. Store covered in the refrigerator for up to 5 days, shake well before serving. 

UPDATE:  For your convenience, a "copy and paste" version of Cold Cucumber Soup has been included below. 

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Printable "copy and paste" version:

Cold Cucumber Soup.
Inspired by Simply Recipes

1 monster sized cucumber or 2 large cucumbers
1/2 c buttermilk
1/4 c sour cream 
2 T chopped onion
1 T rice vinegar or 2 t white wine vinegar
2 T fresh dill weed snipped or 2 t dried
1/2 t salt

olive oil for serving, if desired. 

Wash, dry and peel the cucumber, cut in half lengthwise and scoop out the seeds.

Cut into chunks and place in the blender cup, add remaining ingredients. 

Blend until smooth. Pour into a container with a lid (you will want to be able to shake this mixture before serving). 

Chill until serving time. 

To serve, shake and pour into mugs to sip from or for a more formal dining experience, into small soup bowls, drizzle with olive oil and additional fresh dill. 

Storage options for Cold Cucumber Soup. Store covered in the refrigerator for up to 5 days, shake well before serving. 


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  1. I am not typically a fan of cold soups either but this does sound yummy. I once made a delicious cucumber salad dressing with very similar ingredients but for the life of me I can't remember it! It was before I started blogging about more than homeschooling and I guess I never wrote it down anywhere.

    1. Joanne, I have to be honest, I was REALLY surprised at how enjoyable this cold soup was, hence the blog post. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. I have not had buttermilk in years. My parents used to drink it all the time. This recipe sounds amazing and perfect for this heat wave.

    1. Judee, it is great to have made ahead and ready to go! Thanks for dropping by, I appreciate it.

  3. I eat all kinds of food cold and a cold potato or tomato soup sound delicious to me. It has been quite a while that I had cold cucumber soup, thanks for reminding me, especially because Germany is also caught in a heat wave right now!


    1. Cat, this is so easy to whip up and enjoy! I have made it twice this week as we have cukes coming off the vines daily. Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it!

  4. Melynda, just like you, I too am a soup person. I think I could live just eating soups and breads as well. This soup sure does sound refreshing. I've only managed to grow small cucumbers, and that was a few years back. I had a pesky squirrel that stole my cucumbers. Thank you for sharing your soup recipe with us at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #50.

    1. Stephanie, you are very welcome, and thanks so for hosting!

  5. This sounds so interesting! I love cucumbers--and dill, too. Yum! Pinning. Thanks for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #44 linkup. #45 opens Monday morning--we hope to see you there sharing more posts.

    1. Jennifer, we really enjoyed this, I will make a third batch tomorrow. It is great in hot weather as a sipping soup along with a sandwich for lunch. Thanks for hosting and stopping by, I appreciate it.

  6. I'm In! this sounds right up my alley.
    Thanks' bunches for sharing with Sweet Tea & Friend's August link up sweet friend.


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