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Monday, September 6, 2021

How to Make an Egg Shovel, for the times your hens didn't use The Nesting Box!

Are you new to Chicken Keeping? So are we! Recently we discovered two caches of eggs laid by our young hens outside of the nesting box...although we are not experts in any way, we thought it would be fun to share what we have learned about keeping chickens, like how to make an Egg ShovelFrom the DIY Homemade Household side of life!


Surprise, look what I found!

This cache of 28 eggs was found deep in our lilac hedge. Even as inexperienced in keeping chickens as we are, we knew something was up! Since hens lay (about) every other day, there simply were not enough eggs in the nesting boxes. 

Plus one of our Black Speckled Rock hens was missing at coop closing time.  I usually go out after sundown when it is getting dark. They do a good job of getting themselves comfortable up on the roosting ladders we have in the coop, and all I have to do is take a headcount to make sure I am not too early and lock up the coop. 

My concern was that she had walked off (preferred) or worse, had become dinner for a hawk. The next day my husband came in from working on the garden beds and said he saw both of the Black Speckled Rock hens in the yard. That was good news, but where was she at coop closing?

Because that night at lockup there was only one... it was not until we found the cache of eggs did we realize that she was now sleeping with the eggs to keep them warm and was never away from the yard at all! We gathered the eggs and disposed of them.


I think the only thing more stubborn the me, is this hen!

The area where she nested was an open area in the back of the lilac hedge, and unless you were hunting for it, you would never spy the cache of eggs! We placed a large rock in the open area hoping she would stop laying there. 

Now I know some hens do not like nesting boxes, and they will continue to lay where they want! When I went out this morning to patrol the hedge for the possibility of another egg being laid, this is what I found...

At this point there was only one thing to do, I needed to make an Egg Shovel so I can collect the eggs that the hens lay outside of the nesting boxes. Because this will most likely happen again...

You will need the following items:
  • gorilla tape
  • a long-handled metal spoon
  • a leftover handle from a garden tool or a piece of doweling

To assemble, lay the metal spoon on top of the wooden handle so that the bowl of the spoon is above the top of the wooden handle. 

Using the gorilla tape start wrapping with the tape from the top, going downward to secure the spoon to the wooden handle. 

The finished tool will look something like this, depending upon the supplies you have used.

To use, gently reach in to where the egg is and with the Egg Shovel and scoop up the egg. 

My Egg Shovel sits with my other garden tools right by the coop! Something tells me, I will need it again.

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  1. Handy tool to have. Thanks so much for linking up at #IMadeItMondayLinkParty 2. Shared.

  2. Genius to make this egg shovel. Love it. Thanks for sharing at SSPS #250 Shared on SM

  3. Awww bless the speckled hen trying to be a mama as nature intended. Those eggs are lots, were they all disposed of or "disposed of" :)

    1. We did dispose of them into the garbage, as we did not know their length of time in the yard. I know eggs are good for a long, time, but as first time chicken keepers, we acted on the side of caution.

  4. Visiting again to say thanks so much for linking up at #IMadeItMondayLinkParty 11. Shared.


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