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Rough and Ready Laundry Soap.
Taco Pickles!
Mushroom Potato Soup
How to Make Your Own Bread Crumbs and Creative Ideas for Use.
Let's make a Root Beer Float Punchbowl! Perfect for your next get together...
Seven Non-Food Gifts to Make and Give with Love. Great gifts anytime of the year!
Creamy Banana and Kiwi Parfaits
Cocoa Dusted Nutty Date Bites, snacks should be delicious and healthy!
Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot 12.20.2024
Yes, that's right, we love all your new posts, but older posts are not only encouraged, they are appreciated! So don't hold back, share, share and share some more!
My Personal Favorites from 2024!
What's in your crisper drawer? Let's talk carrots...
Seven Delicious and Easy Bar Cookies For Last Minute Baking!
Top 10 posts, Reader's Edition! 2024
It has been a truly wonderful year! Earlier this year we had journeyed to East Texas after time as National Park Volunteers, with all the family volunteering. Being all together made the volunteer experience even more enjoyable. Unfortunately we practically lost our home in Wyoming during our volunteer time, but once the dust was settled and the home repaired we knew we had to make one last move...
Welcome to the Senior Salon Pit Stop #341
Host a Dessert and Coffee Open House, a lovely way to say Merry Christmas!
Six Recipes for Gifting Cookie Dough, the perfect gift for neighbors and co-workers!
Persimmon Vinaigrette, not too sweet and simply delicious!
Fresh Green Bean Salad with Tomatoes Feta and Toasted Walnuts
Chocolate Cheesecake, a simple yet elegant offering.
Creamy Butterscotch Meringue Pie, easy and delicious!
Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot 12.13.2024
Yes, that's right, we love all your new posts, but older posts are not only encouraged, they are appreciated! So don't hold back, share, share and share some more!
Cherry Raisin Welsh Tea Cake, with a walnut crown
Blackberry Cranberry and Pink Grapefruit Preserves
Applesauce and Spice Chocolate Chip Cake, whole grain delicious!
Old Fashion Egg Nog, for Christmas morning!
Welcome to the Senior Salon Pit Stop #340
How to Retire An American Flag, for Homestead Sunday #4
Welcome to Homestead Sunday, where we share what we have learned, what we do on a regular basis, and what projects we are building, rebuilding or working on. Who are we? We are a three generation family living on six acres in South Eastern Texas.
Fresh Tangerine Marmalade, small batch recipe, and no canning!
Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot 12.06.2024
Welcome to another great weekend! And what better way to enjoy it in full, than with a visit to Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot! What makes this link-up special is that we encourage you to link up not only your current posts and good ideas, but also the great stuff in your archives! Yes, let's all show some love for those great posts resting in the archives...
Yes, that's right, we love all your new posts, but older posts are not only encouraged, they are appreciated! So don't hold back, share, share and share some more!
Easy to Make Toffee, no candy thermometer needed!
Twice Baked Scalloped Potatoes.
Welcome to the Senior Salon Pit Stop #339
A Caravan Christmas, our Tiny Home Tour 2024!
In my Kitchen December 2024, looking back on November.
Minted Apple Bread
Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot 11.29.2024
Welcome to another great weekend! And what better way to enjoy it in full, than with a visit to Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot! What makes this link-up special is that we encourage you to link up not only your current posts and good ideas, but also the great stuff in your archives! Yes, let's all show some love for those great posts resting in the archives...
Yes, that's right, we love all your new posts, but older posts are not only encouraged, they are appreciated! So don't hold back, share, share and share some more!
For Pete's Sake, why did that recipe fail?
Welcome to the Senior Salon Pit Stop #338
Cranberry and Dried Cherry (with a jigger of gin!) Sauce.
Cheddar Cheese Drop Biscuits
Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot 11.22.2024
Yes, that's right, we love all your new posts, but older posts are not only encouraged, they are appreciated! So don't hold back, share, share and share some more!
Fifteen Delicious Gifts of Food and Love From Your Kitchen!
Gifts from the heart, often start in the kitchen.
Welcome to the Senior Salon Pit Stop #337
Our Favorite Date Cake
A Single Loaf of Whole Wheat Bread...
Our Best Cranberry Recipes, celebrate the goodness of cranberries!
Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot 11.15.2024
Yes, that's right, we love all your new posts, but older posts are not only encouraged, they are appreciated! So don't hold back, share, share and share some more!