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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Aqua Fresca, just in time for warmer weather!

Aqua Fresca will be your new best friend this summer, and this cantaloupe version is the best one to start with!

This delicious drink just might be the most delicious way to get enough water for hydration, in hot weather!

Aqua Fresca can be made with any fruit you wish. But so far this cantaloupe version is my favorite. Aqua Fresca literally translates to fresh water. Blending a bit of fruit with a touch of sweetener and water is all it takes for a pitcher of thirst quenching goodness. I do add a pinch of salt because it enhances the flavor and in warm weather a bit of salt helps us retain some of the fluid our bodies need. 

The first time I enjoyed this delicious beverage was when we pulled into a parking lot after spending a couple of hours on a hot freeway in Arizona. We were changing a blown tire on our little RV trailer and little did we know the jack that came with the trailer did not fit...we were blessed when a kind stranger stopped to help. But after a couple of hours out in the blazing sun, we were parched! Once everything was put back together we got on the road and headed towards some lunch. 

Aqua Fresca was new to me, but I loved it immediately!

When we stopped at a little cantina, this was the flavor of the day, and I couldn't drink it fast enough! I ordered the largest size they offered and about half way through, I slowed down enough to take stock of what was in my glass so I could replicate it at home. Turns out, this recipe is also kind to your food budget because you don't have to use perfect fruit when making Aqua Fresca. A big pitcher of this easy going beverage is the perfect way to use up fruit that is less than stellar. 

And let's be honest, this can happen from time to time, both from purchased fruit at the marketplace or from your own home grown bounty. Last week my hubby volunteered to pick up the groceries for the week and he came home with a cantaloupe, After giving it a week to mellow, it turns out while the flesh is beautiful and the flavor is bright, it is one tough melon! But perfect for a big pitcher Aqua Fresca to share at dinner tonight! 

Additional thoughts on this recipe:

If your blender is as tired as mine, the finished drink may be more a slurry than a beverage. In that case for a smoother drink an emersion blender will do the trick.

Once blended with the ingredients listed, feel free to customize your drink. Add more water, more sweetener or even more fruit. But for the most part, it will be mostly water in keeping with tradition, and hydration. 

Ingredients needed for this recipe:
  • cantaloupe
  • lime 
  • salt
  • honey simple syrup
  • water
  • ice
You will also need the following:
  • kitchen knife
  • cutting board
  • large blender 
  • pitcher
  • immersion blender 
Now we are ready to begin!

Aqua Fresca
by the seat of my pants!

1 small to medium sized cantaloupe
1 fresh lime
pinch of salt
2 1/2 - 3 c water
ice for serving

Wash and dry the outside of the cantaloupe. Cut in half, remove the seeds and discard. Cut into slices easy enough to handle, and peel away the rind. Cut into 1 inch pieces, and place in the blender cup. 

Add the Honey Simple Syrup, salt, the juice of the lime and 2 cups of water. Cover the blender. Starting on low speed, begin blending. Increase speed once things begin to move freely. 

Note: you may want to divide the ingredients and process in batches to avoid overflowing the blender cup.

Pour into a serving pitcher and refrigerate until ready to serve. Stir before pouring into glasses.

Storage options for Aqua Fresca. Store covered in the refrigerator for up to three days. 

UPDATE:  For your convenience, a "copy and paste" version of Aqua Fresca has been included below. 



This post featured at: 
Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household featured at Unlimited Link Party at Grammy's Grid.
Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household featured at Unlimited Link Party at Grammy's Grid.

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You may also enjoy, Creative writing from the heart... stories of life, living, and family.

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 Printable "copy and paste" version:

Aqua Fresca
by the seat of my pants!

1 small to medium sized cantaloupe
1 fresh lime
pinch of salt
2 1/2 - 3 c water
ice for serving

Wash and dry the outside of the cantaloupe. Cut in half, remove the seeds and discard. Cut into slices easy enough to handle, and peel away the rind. Cut into 1 inch pieces, and place in the blender cup. 

Add the Honey Simple Syrup, salt, the juice of the lime and 2 cups of water. Cover the blender. Starting on low speed, begin blending. Increase speed once things begin to move freely. 

Note: you may want to divide the ingredients and process in batches to avoid overflowing the blender cup.

Pour into a serving pitcher and refrigerate until ready to serve. Stir before pouring into glasses.

Storage options for Aqua Fresca. Store covered in the refrigerator for up to three days. 


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  1. I made this for dinner tonight and it was delicious, thank you for sharing so many wonderful recipes.

    1. Thank you so much! And thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.

  2. YUM! I love cantaloupe! Going to give this a try. Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 106. Shared.

  3. I started making various versions of this a few years ago. Yum

    1. Right!? I can't wait for other flavors to grace our table!

  4. I bet this is so very refreshing on a hot summer day! Will have to hold on to this one for later in the year

    1. It is a favorite around here, thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it!


  5. I will have to try this as I struggle to drink enough water especially during the summer months.

    1. Christy, you just echoed my own words, I am trying hard to get more water in my daily routine. Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.

  6. Oh my, I can virtually taste this! This sounds like something I'd like to try.
    Visiting today from Unlimited Linky #106 #25,26&50

  7. Looking so good and refreshing for sure. I will make this for the family this coming summer for sure

    1. Feel free to use any fruit you like or have on hand, this is the perfect way to get more water in us during hot weather.

  8. Melynda, CONGRATS! Your post is FEATURED at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 107!

  9. Visiting again to say thanks so much for linking up at #FoodFriday 25 for Snack Recipes. Shared.

    1. Dee, I appreciate the many opportunities you offer to share with your readers, thank you so much!

  10. I tried my first agua fresca in San Diego last winter and loved it! I need to start doing this at home. I've never even considered cantaloupe--I bet it's delicious. Visiting from Senior Salon Pit Stop.

    1. Jennifer we came across the cantaloupe flavor in Arizona on a very hot day, I couldn't wait to try it at home. I hope you enjoy this as much as we do, thanks for stopping by!

  11. This sounds delicious and refreshing, I'm going to try it! Enjoy your week!
    Visiting from Senior Salon Pit Stop. Link #78 & 79.

    1. Tina, I hope you enjoy this as much as we do, plus it is so easy to make! Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.


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