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Monday, May 27, 2024

Grab a Jar of Jam, Marinade and Grill Sauce!

Grab a Jar of Jam, Marinade and Grill Sauce because grilling season is always close at hand!

We have been pretty busy, but I wanted to share this recipe anyway!

I have not made any jam or jelly (so far) this year. What with moving to Texas and setting up the Utility Kitchen among the many reasons...Fortunately this Marinade and Grill Sauce can be made with homemade jam or store bought. We have been enjoying this grill sauce and marinade for years, and it can be just about any flavor, simply change out the jam...

I am in the habit of making use of jam in some of our recipes, 

Like these Whole Wheat Jam Crumble Bars. And years ago, I remember using a jar of homemade jam to make a very easy (and delicious!) ice cream. I know that recipe is in my little hand written cookbook and there is nothing like homemade ice cream. Like most of my recipes the ingredients were simple and usually on hand. Sharing this recipe for Grab a Jar of Jam Marinade and Grill Sauce reminds me I need to get that hand written cookbook off the shelf in the Utility Kitchen and make that ice cream recipe again...

Because the sauce can be made with your favorite jam, 

You never need grow tired of this easy sauce. When using apricot jam you could also add a bit of crushed red pepper. Raspberry is delicious with the addition of fresh rosemary. Peach jam is an open canvas so to speak, spice, peppers or ? Other ways to add more flavor is to top the coals or flame on the grill with fresh herbs for a smoke-s addition of extra flavor. And it goes without saying that this a peach flavored grill sauce is delicious when you grill fresh pineapple slices for dessert...

Ingredients needed for this recipe:
  • diced tomatoes
  • quick pickled onions
  • your favorite flavor of jam
You will also need the following:
  • a medium sized saucepan
  • measuring cups
  • stick blender
Now we are ready to begin!

Grab a Jar of Jam Marinade and Grill Sauce
by the seat of my pants!
makes about 1 quart for now, or freeze in smaller portions if desired

1-pint jar of jam, any flavor
1 14-16 oz. can of diced tomatoes - do not drain
1/4 cup Quick Pickled Onions, with the brine/juice

In a medium sized saucepan, bring the diced tomatoes and the Quick Pickled Onions to a boil, add the jam. 

Stir everything together, cover and remove from heat. Let stand until cooled to room temperature.

Once cooled, puree using a stick blender or if you prefer, use a standard blender. 

Decant to a non breakable storage container, since this is probably going to go out to your  grill area. 

A container like this works perfectly! You may drizzle the sauce or use a brush to paint the surface of the meat and other food you are grilling. 

Storage options for Grab a Jar of Jam, Marinade and Grill Sauce. Store in the refrigerator for up to a month, you may also freeze in smaller portions. Let thaw in the refrigerator before using. 

UPDATE:  For your convenience, a "copy and paste" version of Grab a Jar of Jam, Marinade and Grill Sauce has been included below. 

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Printable "copy and paste" version:

Grab a Jar of Jam Marinade and Grill Sauce
by the seat of my pants!
makes about 1 quart for now, or freeze in smaller portions if desired

1-pint jar of jam, any flavor
1 14-16 oz. can of diced tomatoes - do not drain
1/4 cup Quick Pickled Onions, with the brine/juice

In a medium sized saucepan, bring the diced tomatoes and the Quick Pickled Onions to a boil, add the jam. 

Stir everything together, cover and remove from heat. Let stand until cooled to room temperature.

Once cooled, puree using a stick blender or if you prefer, use a standard blender. 

Decant to a non breakable storage container, since this is probably going to go out to your  grill area. 

You may drizzle the sauce or use a brush to paint the surface of the meat and other food you are grilling. 

Storage options for Grab a Jar of Jam, Marinade and Grill Sauce. Store in the refrigerator for up to a month, you may also freeze in smaller portions. Let thaw in the refrigerator before using. 


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  1. This looks like such an interesting combination of flavours, and a great way to use up jam that needs to be used.

    1. HRK, thank you. I love using what I have to keep our meals lively. Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.

  2. What a brilliant idea! I bet this would be absolutely delicious! Thanks for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #39 linkup! Hope to see you next time at #40 with more of your posts to share.

    1. Jennifer, thank you! Plus you never need have the same grill sauce as the time before.

  3. Sounds delicious. I'm going to give it a try in a small batch. Limited freezer space and only us 2 usually for meals. Retired life is good!

    1. Linda, thank you. It should be quite easy to make up half of the recipe, thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.

  4. Oh that sounds yummy! I bet the jam adds a wonderful bit of sweetness.

  5. Joanne, it does, but with the other savory ingredients, it is not too sweet.


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