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Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Crunchy Tangy Jicama Waldorf Salad

Are you looking for a new salad to enjoy and offer more delicious ways to get vegetables into your meal plans? If so, give this Crunchy Tangy Jicama Waldorf Salad a try! Only six ingredients and about 5 minutes time, and you will have a crunchy tasty salad to enjoy!

During our year of volunteering with the National Park Service, we often found ourselves far from a large grocery store. 

While there was good (and delicious!) produce available, it was understocked by comparison to what you usually found in larger communities. And what I had been accustomed to, until we began our year of volunteering! But, honestly, it was the perfect time to get creative and continue to put together delicious, nutritious meals to enjoy. 

Now to be honest when I first threw this Crunchy Tangy Jicama Waldorf Salad together, I really didn't know if it was going to taste good, or not! But I also know that often the sum of the parts are often better together. So I knew that this would not go to waste, even if I had to eat it all by myself to avoid waste. 

When I dished up my serving at dinner time...

I only wished I could have gotten the chance to eat it all, because it was crisp, delicious, and refreshing! Everything I had hoped it would be when I started out. But why make a Waldorf salad without the apples? Well, it turns out there were none at the market, on that day. With driving 20 miles into town to shop, we always took what was available and made due or tried something new. 

In this salad, jicama takes the place of apples, so if you prefer a sweeter traditional Waldorf salad taste, feel free to use two tablespoons of sugar. I hope you give this Crunchy Tangy Jicama Waldorf Salad, a try. Another great way to get more vegetables in your meal plans! 

A note on choosing a jicama

Try to get one without a wax coating, while the wax coating preserves the jicama, it is quite possible you will pick one that is not crisp enough for this salad. 

Ingredients needed for this recipe:
  • jicama
  • celery
  • apple cider vinegar
  • mayonnaise
  • sugar
  • pecans or walnuts
You will also need the following:
  • cutting board
  • kitchen knife
  • measuring cups
  • measuring spoons
  • medium-sized mixing bowl
  • spatula or spoon for mixing
  • serving dish
Now you are ready to begin!

Crunchy Tangy Jicama Waldorf Salad! Creative and delicious.

Crunchy, Tangy Jicama Waldorf Salad 
by the seat of my pants!
UPDATED: 01.03.2024

1 generous c of peeled and diced jicama
2 ribs celery, diced
2 T mayonnaise of choice
1 T apple cider vinegar
1-2 T sugar ( I used 1 T, your family may prefer it a bit sweeter)
A fist full of pecans or walnuts, broken and set aside

Stir all ingredients together, except the pecans/walnuts.

Let rest at room temperature until mealtime, up to 2 hours. 

Scatter the broken nut pieces over top of the salad right before serving.

Storage options for Crunchy Tangy Jicama Waldorf Salad. Store covered in the refrigerator for up to three days. The nuts may soften, but the flavor will still be enjoyable. I do not recommend freezing this recipe. 

UPDATE:  For your convenience, a "copy and paste" version of Crunchy Tangy Jicama Waldorf Salad has been included below. 

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Printable "copy and paste" version:

Crunchy, Tangy Jicama Waldorf Salad 
by the seat of my pants!
UPDATED: 01.03.2024

1 generous c of peeled and diced jicama
2 ribs celery, diced
2 T mayonnaise of choice
1 T apple cider vinegar
1-2 T sugar ( I used 1 T, your family may prefer it a bit sweeter)
A fist full of pecans or walnuts, broken and set aside

Stir all ingredients together, except the pecans/walnuts.

Let rest at room temperature until mealtime, up to 2 hours. 

Scatter the broken nut pieces over top of the salad right before serving.


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  1. What a wonderful idea!! Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party! Have a wonderful week!

    1. You are welcome, I am always looking for more ways to get more vegetables on the table!

  2. Sounds like a great salad! Jicima and Waldorf works for me!

  3. YUMMY! Thanks so much for linking up with me at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 21, open until February 26. Shared on social media.

  4. I like jicama but I don't buy it very often. This salad sounds delicious. thanks

    1. It can also be hard to find fresh Jicama. Sadly, when coated in wax it is hard to know how fresh it is.

  5. This looks really refreshing and nice take on a traditional salad.

    1. Jicama is one vegetable I am trying to use more often, I love the crunch!

  6. So I had to go and look up what jicama is! I am pretty sure we can't get it here!

    1. It is interesting and crunchy! Think water chestnut crunchy! It is fun to cook with...thanks for dropping by, I appreciate it.

  7. There's lots of good salad ideas this week.

    1. I think folks are already ready for spring! Have a great week ahead.

  8. I just bought jicama on a whim this past week and wasn’t sure what I was going to do with it!

    1. It is good in this salad, but if you are looking for a quick and lightly spicy way to enjoy Jicama for the first time, cut it into sticks, squeeze lime juice over it and dip it in a little hill of chili powder mixed with garlic salt. That is a spicy (but not hot) way to enjoy it also! Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it!

  9. What an interesting take on a Woldorf salad! Thanks for sharing your recipe with the fiesta

    1. It is so crunchy and good, thanks for hosting and stopping by! I appreciate it.

  10. Melynda,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!! Happy new Year to you and your family!!

  11. Love the jicama twist. I will have to go and see if I can find some here in my area. Thanks for sharing
    I visited you via Penny’s Passion Blogspot: What I Read in December 2023
    I linked up this week with = 16,17,18.

    1. Esme, thanks for dropping by! It is a fun way to serve jicama.

  12. Melynda, this is wonderful! I love jicama and love finding another way to enjoy it!

    1. Jean, I am so glad, we are definite Jicama fans around here!

  13. I have never before used jicama. so this is new to me and I will have to try it. Thanks Melynda

    1. Esme, we get it each time we can find a good one at the market. I prefer them unwaxed, that way you can tell it is fresh! Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.


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