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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Chunky Fruit Vinaigrette, cook with what you have!

I Wonder if this has happened to you. You purchase ingredients for a recipe and when you go to use them, they are now too overripe to be used, yikes? Since I enjoy the creative challenge of cooking with what I have, that overripe piece of fruit became a delicious vinaigrette! Come and take a look at our Chunky Fruit Vinaigrette...

In keeping with our shopping routine of using fresh items first...

We often have a tossed green salad on shopping day. While shopping last week I noticed that the produce department had received a lovely shipment of persimmons. I knew right away it was time to enjoy our fast and easy side salad of Avocado and Persimmon with balsamic vinegar. So I placed a persimmon in the cart.

Fast forward into the week with a busy schedule and household chores, when I went to make our salads, the persimmon was quite ripe. Not beyond using, but so deliciously soft, and juicy it was way too ripe to cut and use in our favorite salad for dinner. 

There was only one thing to do, create a vinaigrette using the persimmon and carry on with salad as part of our dinner. 

So we did. I carefully peeled the fruit and sliced it into a small bowl. It was so juicy I knew I would need to chop it into smaller pieces using kitchen scissors, instead of a knife. Once chopped it was a simple task to add some olive oil, red wine vinegar, and salt and pepper to taste. 

I loaded our salad plates with some of the organic Spring Mix we had picked up at the store, divided an avocado between the plates and spooned the Chunky Fruit Vinaigrette over the salads and we sat down to eat dinner together. 

I realized as we enjoyed our salads that many fruits will ripen to a soft and juicy stage just as the persimmon had. 

Which will give them the same soft texture that lends itself to a fruit vinaigrette. Such as a kiwi, or a couple of apricots or even a small peach. I also think a handful of raspberries or strawberries would make a great fruit vinaigrette as well.

You can bet, we will give one or two of these a try in the upcoming months. Because just about every month during the harvest there is yet another delicious fruit that will lend itself to a beautiful Chunky Fruit Vinaigrette to enjoy. 

Some thoughts on this recipe:

Feel free to use the vinegar you prefer. Cider vinegar will work as well as white wine vinegar. 

Often I will match the vinegar based upon the full or rich flavor of the fruit I am working with. Berries and persimmon would defiantly go well with a red wine vinegar. Kiwi and peaches or apricots would require a more mild flavored vinegar such as white wine vinegar, or a white balsamic. 

Be generous with the salt and pepper, this is a salad dressing and you want it to be flavorful!

This recipe as written will dress two salads generously. Simply double or triple as needed. 

Ingredients needed for this recipe:
  • persimmon or other fruit of choice
  • olive oil
  • red wine vinegar, or vinegar of choice
  • honey
  • salt
  • freshly ground pepper
You will also need the following:
  • kitchen knife
  • small bowl
  • measuring spoons
  • kitchen scissors
Now we are ready to begin!

Chunky Fruit Vinaigrette
by the seat of my pants!
makes enough for 2 salads
UPDATED: 06.13.2024

1 persimmon or other fruit
1 T olive oil
1 T red wine vinegar or vinegar of choice
2 to 3 t honey
salt and pepper to taste

Peel and slice the persimmon into a small bowl. 

Using kitchen scissors, cut the fruit into smaller pieces. 

Stir in the remaining ingredients, and continue to stir until the honey has melted into the other ingredients. 

Spoon the vinaigrette generously over tossed greens and avocado slices. And enjoy!

Storage options for Chunky Fruit Vinaigrette. If you have any leftovers, store covered in the refrigerator. Use within three days.

UPDATE:  For your convenience, a "copy and paste" version of Chunky Fruit Vinaigrette has been included below. 

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Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household featured at A Morning Cup of Joe, link-up and blog hop.
Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household featured at A Morning Cup of Joe, link-up and blog hop.

Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household featured at Crazy Little Love Birds Link Party.
Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household featured at Crazy Little Love Birds Link Party.

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You may also enjoy, Creative writing from the heart... stories of life, living, and family.

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Printable "copy and paste" version:
Chunky Fruit Vinaigrette
by the seat of my pants!
makes enough for 2 salads
UPDATED: 06.13.2024

1 persimmon or other fruit
1 T olive oil
1 T red wine vinegar or vinegar of choice
2 to 3 t honey
salt and pepper to taste
Peel and slice the persimmon into a small bowl. 

Using kitchen scissors, cut the fruit into smaller pieces. 

Stir in the remaining ingredients, and continue to stir until the honey has melted into the other ingredients. 

Spoon the vinaigrette generously over tossed greens and avocado slices. And enjoy!

Storage options for Chunky Fruit Vinaigrette. If you have any leftovers, store covered in the refrigerator. Use within three days.


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  1. That looks really good! Thanks so much for linking up at the Unlimited Link Party 88. Shared.

  2. My husband is a big fan of persimmon; personally, I've never even tasted one. I love how innovative you are with food and not wasting. The vinegarette looks easy and delicious.

  3. That was my comment about the persimmons. It won't let me identify myself. Judee from Gluten Free A-Z

    1. Judee, I am not certain what glitch is happening, but I do know this, I sure appreciate that you go the extra mile to leave a comment! Thanks so much.

  4. Super delicious and a keeper in my books, thanks for sharing at SSPS

    1. Thank you so much, and thanks for hosting, I appreciate it.

  5. Your vinaigrette sounds delicious, Melynda! I have eaten persimmons but I've never used them in dishes myself. I find this lovely dressing very tempting to try!!

    1. April, think rich apricot flavor and that is a persimmon. I hope you give them a try, they are delicious!

  6. This looks really good! On the list for next week, thank you for sharing.

  7. Replies
    1. Joanne, thank you! I am looking forward to other flavors as ripe fruit makes it's appearance seasonally.

  8. I never thought about making dressing by myself! That's how clueless I can be in the kitchen. Thank you for sharing this recipe!

    1. Lisa, I hope you give this easy dressing a try, thanks for stopping by!

  9. This sounds and looks delicious. Thank you for sharing it with us at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #42. ♡

  10. Back to say congratulations! Featuring your post tomorrow at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #43. :)

    1. Stephanie, being featured is always such a fun way to start the day, thank you!

  11. This dressing sounds so good. I had to look up what a persimmon fruit was though. I've never heard of it, but it sounds delightful.
    Thank you so much for sharing with Sweet Tea & Friend's June link-up.

    1. Paula, thank you and thanks for hosting Sweet Tea and Friends! I sure appreciate it.


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